

字词 租金










1. 对于土地占有者来说,土地只有地租的意义,他把他的土地出租,并收取租金;土地可以失去这一特性,但并不失去它的任何内部固有的特性,不失去例如任何一点肥力;这一特性的程度以至它的存在,都取决于社会关系,而这些社会关系都是不依赖于个别土地占有者的作用而产生和消灭的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:254

1. For the landed proprietor, land has the significance only of rent of land; he leases his plots of land and receives rent; this is a feature which land can lose without losing a single one of its inherent features, without, for example, losing any part of its fertility; it is a feature the extent and even the existence of which depends on social relations which are created and destroyed without the assistance of individual landed proprietors. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 230.

2. 去年洛克·金先生建议,把在城市里实行的房客缴纳十英镑租金这一条也推广到郡里,这个建议在当时人数很少的下院里得到了大多数人的赞成,而反对的只是那些大臣们。据说,罗素现在建议把郡的租金要求降低到十英镑,而城市降为五英镑,这一措施将会产生非常重大的影响。那时在城市里,无产阶级中收入较多的那一部分人将会立即获得选举权,这样一来,在一些大城市就很可能使宪章派的代表当选,而在中小城市里工业资产阶级将会获得许多新的选票和议席。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:238

2. Last year Mr. Locke King proposed extending the norm of £10 rents, which applied in the towns, to the counties as well, and obtained a large majority for this proposal against the ministers in a sparsely attended House. It is said that Russell now intends to reduce the amount for the counties to £10 and for the towns to £5. The effect of such a measure would be very significant. In the towns it would immediately give the franchise to the better paid among the proletariat, which would make the election of Chartist representatives in some large towns very probable, whilst in the medium-sized and smaller towns the industrial bourgeoisie would receive an enormous increase in votes and in parliamentary seats. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 207.

3. 第三篇和第四篇,每个村社得保有社员的住房及其庭院、畜舍、菜园等等,但每年须向地主缴纳这些财产估价的3%的租金。村社有权迫使地主接受由两个地主和两个农民组成的混合委员会对这些财产进行估价。只要村社愿意,它可以付清估价,把自己的家园赎回归自己所有。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:717

3. III and IV. Every village community retains the possession of the dwelling-houses of its members, with their inclosures, farmyards, gardens, etc., for which a rent of 3 percent per annum on the appraised value is paid to the landlord. The community has the right to compel the landlord to have this value appraised by a mixed commission of two landlords and two peasants. Whenever the community please, they can buy their homesteads out and out by paying down the appraised value. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1980: 140.


例句 1:
The rent seeking theory made its first appearance in the western world in the 1960s.

例句 2:
Ecological land rent is an important indicator to measure the social-economic effect of resource scarcity.

例句 3:
在测算2002年和2007年中国各 省份单位经济产出生态地租量和生态地租总量的基础上,运用ArcGIS和GeoDA软件分析生态地租空间分异规律;并进一步采用传统回归分析以及空间相关性分析等方法,辨析生态地租空间分异的影响因素。——“中国生态地租空间分异及其影响因素分析”,载于《地理学报》2012年08期
Based on the assessment data of ecological land rent in per unit economy output and total ecological land rent in China in the years 2002 and 2007, this paper analyzed the spatial difference of ecological land rent with the help of softwares of ArcGIS and GeoDA. And then, it examined the influencing factors of spatial difference of ecological land rent with the method of traditional regression analysis and spatial correlation analysis.





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