

字词 理想化


idealisation; to idealise


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 211.


理想化是贯穿西方艺术与美学历史的重要观念。作为一种艺术美学观念和追求,理想化是自希腊时代以来西方艺术与美学历史保持自身的独特内在联系的重要的基础概念,也是标志西方艺术特色与美学特色的重要概念。理想化首先作为一种艺术方法 ,经历了从被否定到被肯定再到曲折演变的复杂过程。理想化的观念,早在苏格拉底的时候就已经提到了,但是作为一种学科观念与方法即“描写事物应有的样子”,还是亚里斯多德在《诗学》中第一次提出来的(朱光潜,2001:73)。古希腊亚里士多德在《诗学》中提出可以模仿人所想象的样子和事物应有的样子,已有理想化的要求。“理想化”起初指的是一种艺术创作方法,后来又从创作方法提升而成一种美学理论、一种审美观念。希腊末期形成的“理想化”观念,到罗马时代则做了相应的继承与改造,形成了罗马时代特有的作风,一种渗透了崇高感与神秘感的理想化作风。西方艺术史基本上遵循了这种理想化的原则,到文艺复兴时代则形成了一种经典的创作模式。理论上的体系化模式,则在德国古典艺术美学中得到了实现。在西方复兴启蒙时代结束以后,这种延续上千年的艺术理想化传统却遇到了强烈的挑战(雷礼锡,2003:6-7)。


[1] 朱光潜.西方美学史(上卷)[M].人民文学出版社,2001.
[2] 雷礼锡.西方艺术理想化的诞生与裂变[J].高等函授学报(哲学社会科学版),2003(6).


1. 要是把问题放在这个基础上,即放在确认实际发生的“代替”的基础上,那就意味着承认资本主义排挤工役制的必然性和这种排挤的进步性。民粹派为了回避这个结论,竟不惜把工役制度理想化。这种奇怪的理想化,就是民粹派的地主经济演进论的基本特征。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:182-183

1. To put the question on this basis, on the basis of recognising the “change” actually taking place, meant to admit the inevitability of the progressive elimination of labour-service by capitalism. To avoid drawing that conclusion, the Narodniks did not stop even at idealising the labour-service system. This monstrous idealisation is the basic feature of the Narodnik views on the evolution of landlord economy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1997: 211.

2. 我们看到,爱尔维修和霍尔巴赫已经把这种学说理想化了,这种做法是和法国资产阶级在革命前的反封建的作用完全一致的。在霍尔巴赫那里,个人在相互交往中的一切活动,例如谈话、爱情等等都被描写成功利关系和利用关系。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:479

2. In Helvétius and Holbach one can already find an idealisation of this doctrine, which fully corresponds to the attitude of opposition adopted by the French bourgeoisie before the revolution. Holbach depicts the entire activity of individuals in their mutual intercourse, e.g., speech, love, etc., as a relation of utility and utilisation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 409.

3. 第一个时期,马克思是以人的社会类本质——理想化的自主性劳动活动即人类存在应有的本真状态为价值悬设,并以此认证资产阶级私有财产制的非人性,即人的劳动类本质、人与自己的劳动产品和人与人的社会关系非常性的异化与颠倒,并提出要扬弃劳动异化、消灭私有制,复归于人的本质之共产主义理想生存状态。这里的逻辑公式是:S应该是P。这是 传统人学中“应该”与“是”之间的矛盾之延续,其逻辑批判的内在动因是先验的“应有”与“现有”的伦理性对立。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:22-23

3. In the first time frame, Marx began with man’s social species-essence—idealized autonomous labor activities—as his value postulate. Using this inherently true state under which mankind ought to exist as his standard, Marx confirms the anti-humanist nature of the capitalist system of private ownership of property. This system is man’s labor species-essence: the abnormal, alienated, inverted relationships between an individual and the product of his labor, as well as between one individual and another. Marx advocated abandoning labor alienation, destroying the system of private ownership of property, and restoring to man’s nature the ideal state of communism. Here Marx’s equation is S ought to be P. This is an extension of the contradiction between “ought” and “is” found in traditional humanism, where the internal motivation for its logical criticism is an a priori ethical antithesis between “what should be” and “what is. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: XXXIX.


例句 1:
Chapter V selects the popular constructions "bei X" as the object of study. In the view of the expression of Chinese passive voice, we concentrate on exploring generational basis of the construction, and explain its constructional meaning according to the theory of Idealized Cognitive Model.

例句 2:
Two metonymies in Category-and-Property ICM occur to the entity-property generic reference; the producer-product generic reference undergoes one metonymy in Production ICM; another subtype metonymic relationship in Production ICM occurs to the place-product generic reference; the place-event generic reference undergoes two metonymies in Location ICM and in Category-and-Member ICM; the place-institution generic reference undergoes one metonymy in Location ICM; and the CONTROLLER FOR CONTROLLED metonymy occurs to the control generic reference in Control ICM.

例句 3:





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