

字词 狄德罗


Denis Diderot


Denis Diderot. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Diderot


德尼·狄德罗(1713年10月5日—1784年7月30日),法国启蒙思想家,唯物主义哲学家,作家,百科全书派的代表人物。狄德罗诞生在朗格勒市的一个小资产阶级家庭,从小接受基督教教育,1729年进入巴黎大学学习,并于1732年获得文学学士学位,他精通意、英等几国文字,以译述A.A.C.沙夫茨伯里的《德性研究》而著称。之后,狄德罗不余遗力地将25年时间贡献于《百科全书》的编辑和出版工作,他的热忱和顽强使他成为百科全书派的领袖。此外,他的著作还有《哲学思想录》、《对自然的解释》、《怀疑者漫步》、《论盲人书简》、《生理学的基础》、《拉摩的侄儿》、《关于物质和运动的哲学原理》、《达朗贝尔和狄德罗的谈话》、《宿命论者让·雅克和他的主人》、《驳斥爱尔维修<论人>的著作》等(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=btpn-UD30YqlXe9Oai1HyVREF77EuHaOJICp9qAEwIy0dlL3ERofBSF_D2cme1dMgM11ULq65Po0XnZ27sddJ83u6iDhQ-mSNwQYjhl-ZzbQZjTMsDcrfdGnqJRIpF2vwjh4S8SE0R2xKlFzHW9oAa),在上述著作中,狄德罗表述了他的唯物主义哲学思想,他在坚持唯物主义哲学观点的同时,又具有同时代唯物主义者普遍缺乏的辩证法思想,他对时间、空间,物质的运动、变化,事物的联系与转化等哲学范畴都有深入论述;在美学方面,狄德罗提出了“美在关系”的学说,他的美学著作有《美之根源及性质的哲学的研究》、《论戏剧艺术》、《谈演员》、《绘画论》、《天才》等(德尼·狄德罗.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=btpn-UD30YqlXe9Oai1HyVREF77EuHaOJICp9qAEwIy0dlL3ERofBSF_D2cme1dMgM11ULq65Po0XnZ27sddJ83u6iDhQ-mSNwQYjhl-ZzbQZjTMsDcrfdGnqJRIpF2vwjh4S8SE0R2xKlFzHW9oAa)。




1. 至于18世纪法国哲学家伏尔泰、卢梭、狄德罗和达兰贝尔等阐明的那些思想,不是首先产生在英国又是产生在哪儿呢!我们决不能因为密尔顿(第一个为弑君辩护的人)、艾尔杰楠·悉尼、博林布罗克利舍夫茨别利的法国继承者比他们的先辈更为出色便忘了他们的先辈!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷):共产党宣言》,1958:425

1. And, as far as ideas are concerned, those very ideas, which the French philosophers of the 18th century—which Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, D’Alembert, and others, did so much to popularise—where had these ideas first been originated, but in England? Let us never forget Milton, the first defender of regicide, Algernon Sydney, Bolingbroke, and Shaftesbury, over their French more brilliant followers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6): Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1976: 399.

2. 依靠康德和费希特的帮助,马克思倒退到了十八世纪末:依靠费尔巴哈的帮助,他退到了十八世纪理论历史的中心,因为费尔巴哈确实可算是十八世纪的“理想”哲学家,是感觉论唯物主义和伦理历史唯心主义的综合,是狄德罗和卢梭的真正结合。——《保卫马克思》,1984:16

2. With Fichte and Kant he had worked his way back to the end of the eighteenth century, and then, with Feuerbach, he regressed to the heart of the theoretical past of that century, for in his own way Feuerbach may be said to represent the ‘ideal’ eighteenth century philosopher, the synthesis of sensualist materialism and ethico-historical idealism, the real union of Diderot and Rousseau. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 35.

3. 当马克思在1843 年开始阅读英国经济学家的著作时,当他开始研究马基雅维里、孟德斯鸠、卢梭、狄德罗等人时,当他研究法国大革命的具体历史时,他不仅是为了把黑格尔读过的书重读一遍,并用黑格尔读过的书来证明黑格尔的观点;相反,他是为了发现黑格尔所研究过的那些对象的实际,并用自己的思想去说明对象的含义。——《保卫马克思》,1984:57

3. When, in 1843, Marx sat down and read the English economists, when he took up the study of Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot, etc., when he studied concretely the history of the French Revolution, it was not just a return to Hegel's sources to verify Hegel by his sources: on the contrary, it was to discover the reality of the objects Hegel had stolen by imposing on them the meaning of his own ideology. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 77.


例句 1:
Diderot, a French Enlightenment aesthetician, gave his unique insights towards this issue and put forward Beauty Exists Relation.

例句 2:
Denis Diderot, as one of the 18th century French Enlightenment thinkers, his philosophy contains rich conception of social history.

例句 3:
Diderot’s philosophy opposed the religious theology and regarded material as the only entity integrating world definitely.





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