

字词 激情


passion; passionate (adj.)




主体在特定对象强刺激下所突发的强烈而较短暂的审美情绪状态,如暴怒、恐惧、狂喜、绝望等。罗马朗吉弩斯认为,“强烈而激动的情感”是崇高的根据之一,作家凭着激情追求雄奇不凡,表现人在宇宙中所处地位的尊严。审美对象的重大社会、政治、伦理内容或奇特、怪诞的形式对人类突如其来的强刺激在大脑皮层迅速形成兴奋灶,是激情的直接诱发因素,主体对这种内容的深刻理解而形成的鲜明自我意识,强烈的感受、体验、态度,或对这种形式的困惑、惊愕,是引起激情的心理基础。艺术创作过程中的高峰经验和灵感的产生都与激情的冲击有直接关系,但也可能使理智分析能力受到抑制,以致不能正确评价或控制自己的行为(金炳华等,2001:591)。根据研究范围具体化程度的不同,工作激情的概念可以从3个层面进行理解:由一般激情引申而来的工作激情、组织领域的工作激情和特定工作情境中企业家的工作激情。3个层面的概念均认为工作激情是一个包含情感、认知和意愿三因素的构念。工作激情相关模型主要包括激情的二元模型、员工工作激情概念模型、企业家激情体验概念模型和企业家激情感染模型,这些模型各具特点并互为补充。工作激情相关实证研究主要包括工作激情的来源研究、工作激情对个体行为和心理结果的影响研究以及工作激情与行为和心理结果间的作用机制研究。现有实证研究数量非常匮乏,应用模型单一,研究内容分散(张剑等,2014:1269)。工作场所中激情缺失的现状, 亟需研究者去探索工作激情的发生及影响规律,从而为管理者们“唤醒”和保持工作激情提供理论指导。


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 张剑等.工作激情研究:理论及实证[J].心理科学进展,2014(8).


1. 为什么?因为在黑格尔那里,自在的激情(个人主体)是孤立的主体,物相客体是孤立的客体,然后再有这两种分立要素的关系(理念反思),关系被设定为一个更高级的第三要素。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:22

1. Why? Because for Hegel, the passionate being (the individual subject) is an isolated subject, and the material object is an isolated object, and then comes the subject-object relation (reflection of idea) which is posited as a superior third element. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 42.

2. 一开始,观念本质是通过对象化为物质存在而得以实现的,虽然精神“沉沦”于自然物质,但它从自身异化出去也就是过渡性地肯定自己,因此异化等于对象化。而在表征绝对观念运动的第三阶段上,人的现实“激情”成了造物主的工具,因而异化的后继过程是客观精神对象化和外化为社会活动之结果,以及人的精神对象化为自己劳动的产品。在费尔巴哈对黑格尔的批判中,他直接否定了黑格尔的总体对象化和异化,因为这是一种自然与观念、主语与谓语的唯心主义颠倒。于是,物质存在是第一性的,它不是观念目的论的工具。费尔巴哈进而抓住了黑格尔第二个层面上的人的感性对象化活动。在他看来,对象化不是异化,而是真实的现实生活,反之唯心主义和宗教神学倒成为一种类本质之异化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:216

2. In the beginning, the essence of the Idea realizes itself through objectification into material existence, and although the Spirit “falls,” becoming natural material, this is only a transitory stage of self-affirmation. Thus alienation is equal to objectification. In the third stage of the expression of the Absolute Idea, the “passions” of man in reality become tools in the hands of the Creator. Therefore, the resulting process of alienation is the objectification and externalization of the Objective Spirit as the result of social activity, and man’s spirit is objectified as the product of labor. In Feuerbach’s criticism of Hegel, he directly rejects Hegel’s general idea of objectification and alienation, because this is an idealist inversion of nature and the Idea as well as the subject and predicate. Therefore, material existence comes first, and is not a tool of idealist teleology. Feuerbach goes on to understand the sensuous objectification activity at Hegel’s second level. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 161-162.

3. 齐泽克真是了不得的刀子眼,他能一眼看破所谓后现代的障眼法,直接穿刺后现代的华美迷雾:福科等人的思想就是传统人本主义——精英主义的东西,因为他们最好地体现了“文艺复兴的‘个性全面发展'理想的实现,这一理想要求在自身之内控制各种激情并把自己的生活变成一件艺术作品。福科的主体概念相当古典:主体推动着自我的沉思并使各种相互冲突的力量和平共处,主体通过对自我形象的修复对‘享受欢乐'进行调节”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:339

3. Zizek directly penetrates the pompous mask of post-modernism: the thought of Foucault and others belongs to the old humanism-elitism as it most reflects the ideal of the all-round development of personality of the Renaissance, which requires one to control one’s passion and turn one’s life into a piece of art. Foucault’s subject is rather c1assical: the subject stimulates self-meditation makes various contradicting forces in a peaceful co-existence, and adjust the “use of pleasure” through restoring the image of self. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 440-441.


例句 1:
希望为今后大家对激情犯罪的研究提供一些有价值的东西。 ——《论刑法上的激情犯罪》,河北经贸大学硕士学位论文,2015
Hope to study crime of passion and its criminal responsibility to provide at rain of thought,hope this way of thinking about other people's research has some value.

例句 2:
Combined with the present situation of our country, put forward the definition of crime by passion is necessary in the criminal law and the scenario of crime by passion should be consider to mitigate punishment as the statutory sentencing.

例句 3:
At last this paper overalls the punishment of passion crime should be given lenience, and presents some punishment rules to provide the reference for the sentencing of the crime.





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