

字词 游击战


guerrilla warfare


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 173.


游击战是革命武装在对付较为强大的敌人时所采取的一种具有高度灵活性的作战方式。它的基本特征是:由民兵、游击队、地方部队和野战军所组成的游击部队,同人民群众密切地结合,在具有一定回旋地域的条件下,寻找一切机会用袭击、伏击、扰乱、钳制等手段来消灭敌人,破坏敌人交通运输,配合主力兵团作战。“游击战并不是抗战时期中国所独有。国外早有游击战的成功案例,国内的十年内战时期,中共也在各地广泛开展游击战。抗战时期, 由于当时特殊的军事政治形势,游击战获得非同一般的地位,上升到战略和政略高度,成为战争史上独特的案例。游击战战略地位的奠定,是中共在战争指导中不断摸索的结果。”(黄道炫,2015:5)毛泽东、朱德在井冈山领导革命斗争时就总结制订了游击战的基本原则,即“敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追。”采取游击战原则,可使军队化整为零,来去自如,使敌人捉摸不透。而一俟时机成熟,则又集中优势兵力,予敌以歼灭性打击,这样就能使我军由劣势化为优势,由被动化为主动。游击战的基础是人民群众,所以它有利于密切军民关系,更好地巩固根据地。游击战也是运动战、正规战的必要准备。抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导的人民军队,遵照党中央的全面抗战路线和放手开展独立自主的游击战争的战略方针,开赴华北、华中战场,广泛地开展游击战争。毛泽东把抗日游击战提高到了战略的地位,他在1938年5月发表了《抗日游击战争的战略问题》,批判了那种轻视游击战争的错误思想,论述了抗日游击战争的战略地位及其发展的正确道路。游击战是毛泽东关于人民战争理论的重要组成部分,是对马克思主义军事学说的发展。




1. 至于就游击战在中国抗日战争中的空前广大和空前持久的意义说来,它的战略地位是更加不能轻视的了。因此,在中国,游击战的本身,不只有战术问题,还有它的特殊的战略问题。这个问题,我在《抗日游击战争的战略问题》一文里面已经说到了。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:499

1. Considering the unprecedented extent and duration of guerrilla warfare in China’s War of Resistance, it is all the more important not to underestimate its strategic role. Guerrilla warfare in China, therefore, has not only its tactical but also its peculiar strategic problems. I have already discussed this in “Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War against Japan”. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 173.

2. 抗日游击战争的战略问题,本来是密切地联系于整个抗日战争的战略问题的,许多东西二者都是一致的。然而游击战争又区别于正规战争,它本身有其特殊性,因而游击战争的战略问题颇有许多特殊的东西;抗日战争的一般战略问题中的东西,决不能照样用之于特殊情形的游击战争。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:406

2. The question of strategy in our anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare is indeed closely linked with the question of strategy in the War of Resistance as a whole, because they have much in common. On the other hand, guerrilla warfare is different from regular warfare and has its own peculiarities, and consequently many peculiar elements are involved in the question of strategy in guerrilla warfare. Without modification it is impossible to apply the strategic principles of the War of Resistance in general to guerrilla warfare with its own peculiarities. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tsu-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 81.

3. 从许多方面来看,毛泽东对当代马克思主义的理论和实践最富于独创性的贡献,是他的游击战术思想和在军事上同强大的敌人长期斗争中所采取的战略思想,他这方面最重要的著作要追溯到20世纪30年代。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:219

3. In many ways, the most original contributions of Mao to the theory and practice of contemporary Marxism are his views on guerrilla tactics and the strategy to be adopted in a lengthy struggle against a militarily superior opponent. His most important writings on this subject date from the 1930s. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 229.


例句 1:
During the octennial Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang(KMT) resisted against the enemies of Japan directly in the battlefront as well as in the enemy s rear area by bushfighting.

例句 2:
This thesis clarifies the Kuomintang (KMT) guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines in Shanxi briefly including the suggestion, the establishment, the development and the decline on the basis of guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines in Shanxi and proves it to be a part of Sino-Japanese War in Shanxi. To a certain extent, it makes positive contributions to the victory of Anti-Japanese War. This paper's purpose is to expound and prove the value of the existence of KMT guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines and its great significance in Shanxi War.

例句 3:
The problem about the Kuomintang guerrilla war in the Japanese-occupied areas during the Anti-Japanese War has





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