

字词 消费社会


the consumer society


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 203.


消费社会,是指对于消费品赋予了过分的价值,将消费品作为最大的利益。这个概念不仅把对物的崇拜绝对化,而且把消费主义现象同具体社会结构割裂开来。 “消费社会”已经成为一些西方学者普遍使用的概念。“经济学家曼德尔将资本主义的历史变化,划分为自由资本主义、古典帝国主义和晚期资本主义三个时期,并把‘消费社会的形成’看作是晚期资本主义七大特征之一。文艺评论家詹姆逊同样将‘消费主义’概括为晚期资本主义的四大特征之一”(余源培,2008:15)。鲍德里亚明确指出:“我们处在‘消费’控制着整个生活的境地”(鲍德里亚,2001:5)他认为消费社会和传统的生产社会具有根本区别,主要指消费社会中主要是围绕商品消费而组织起来的社会,而生产社会则是以生产为主导组织发展起来的。消费社会使得日常生活彻底地商业化,人们日常生活的整个领域都被商业活动彻底地“殖民化”,无论是物质的还是非物质的东西都逃避不了被消费的命运。同时,消费社会却造成一种“平等”的假象,人们开始使人的性和肉体进行自我消费,使消费行为成为纯粹的象征行为,消费一种产品就是消费它象征的意义,正如鲍德里亚所认为的,人们从来不消费物的本身(使用价值)——人们总是把物(从广义的角度)用来当作能够突出你的符号,或让你加入视为理想的团体,或参考一个地位更高的团体来摆脱本团体。


[1] 余源培.评鲍德里亚的“消费社会理论”[J].复旦学报(社会科学版),2008(1).
[2] 鲍德里亚.消费社会[M].刘成富、全志钢译.南京大学出版社,2001.


1. 其实,早在20世纪40年代,西方马克思主义哲学家列斐伏尔就提出,要关注生产领域之外的由消费建构起来的“日常生活”领域,这种观念正是情境主义者德波、范内格姆等人思考的逻辑起点。列斐伏尔的学生鲍德里亚后来也在《消费社会》一书中,对资本主义发展的这一新形态作过更加详尽而深刻的剖析。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:143

1. In fact, western Marxist Lefebvre called for the concern for the sphere of “everyday life” constructed by consumption outside the range of production as early as 1940s. His idea paves the way for the logic starting point for situationists like Debord and Vaneigem. Lefebvre's student Baudrillard makes a detailed and sharp anatomy of this new form of capitalist development in his Consumer Society. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 203.

2. 第一,在西方学界关于鲍德里亚的研究中,比较普遍的一个观点是将其思想发展的早期直接指认为一个处在新马克思主义框架内的研究时期,譬如波斯特。波斯特认为,1973年以前,鲍德里亚“对资本主义商品经济的批判,可以说基本上仍是在马克思主义政治经济学和结构主义的大框架中进行的”。凯尔纳和贝斯特大略也是这种观点。我翻查资料以后发现.国内大部分的研究者似乎也都赞成上述说法。然而,仔细读完鲍德里亚早期的两部书稿《物体系》和《消费社会》以后,我对这个判断却持怀疑态度了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:148

2. First, conventional western researchers of Baudrillard simply refer to his ear1y theoretical development as within the framework of neo-Marxism, for example, Mark Poster, who implies that before 1973, Baudrillard’s critique of the capitalist commodity economy can still be viewed as within the general framework of Marxist political economy and structuralism as he says, “The Mirror of Production (1973) marks Baudrillard’s parting of the ways with Marxism.” Similar opinions are held by Steve Best and Douglas Kellner. I find most Chinese researchers seem to accept the above opinion too. However, after careful reading of Baudrillard’s early works, The System of Objects and The Consumer Society, I cannot help holding doubt about this judgment. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 209-210.

3. 第二,根据我的基本判断,在早期的《物体系》 和《消费社会》两本书里,鲍德里亚把自己的老师列斐伏尔、巴特、德波等人对资本主义社会最新变化的批判转喻成一种抽象的哲学反思,尤其是在《消费社会》一书中,他只是将列斐伏尔、德波已经意识到的当今社会生活中的主导性现象(列斐伏尔的表述为“消费被控制的官僚社会”,而德波的形容则是以景观控制为显性社会结构的消费社会)通俗、夸张地表达出来了。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:148-149

3. Second, my judgment is that in his early works of The System of Objects and The Consumer Society, Baudrillard converted his teachers’ critique of the latest capitalist changes into abstract philosophical reflection. Especially, in The Consumer Society, he merely offered a popular and hyperbolic portrayal of the dominant phenomenon in contemporary society, of which Lefebvre and Debord had already been aware. Lefebvre called the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption and Debord regarded it as the consumer society with spectacle control as the dominant stucture. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 210.


例句 1:
Since the 1950s and 1960s, as economy recovery and rapid development and the material products great abundance, western countries have entered the consumer society which main characteristic is “mass production, mass consumption”.

例句 2:
This article induces the consume society’ characteristic and implemental way from the Baudrillard’s work ,Further explain why the Baudrillard defined the modern society as the consumer society and consumer society is how to achieve.

例句 3:
Firstly, this paper put forward the forming background of Baudrillard’s theory of consumer society from the aspects of society and theory respectively. It points out that the theory is under the background of world war two, and capitalism is rapidly developed, the society transform from the productive society to the consumer society.





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