

字词 法律意识


the sense of legality; the sense of law; the sense of justice


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 262, 275.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977:308.


法律意识是人们对于法(特别是现行法)和有关法律现象的观点、知识和心理态度的总称。法律意识是一种观念的法律文化,对法的制定实施是非常重要的。它表现为探索法律现象的各种法律学说,对现行法律的评价和解释,人们的法律动机(法律要求),对自己权利、义务的认识(法律感),对法、法律制度了解、掌握、运用的程度(法律知识),以及对行为是否合法的评价等。法律意识同人们的世界观、伦理道德观等有密切联系,具有强烈的阶级性。不同阶级的法律意识各不相同。在阶级社会中,没有全社会统一的法律意识。统治阶级的法律意识在社会上居于统治地位,起着支配作用。各阶级法律意识的内容,归根结底由该阶级的物质生活条件所决定。在统治阶级内部,由于各阶层、各集团乃至个人所处的具体地位不同及其他原因,其法律意识也不完全相同,但在基本点上都服从于统治阶级的利益。统治阶级的法律意识直接指导法的制定、执行和遵守。为统治阶级利益服务的法律制度,保护统治阶级利益的法律、法规等,都是在统治阶级的法律意识指导下确立和制定的。司法人员在应用法律规范时,他们的法律意识对实施法律规范和维护统治阶级利益具有重要作用。法律主体(包括自然人和法人)法律意识的增强,有助于他们依凭法律捍卫自己的权利,更好地履行法律义务,并对法制的健全、巩固和发展具有重要意义。(法律意识.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6022152-6235149.html)


法律意识.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6022152-6235149.html


1. 法的意识和法律意识是莱茵省人的最显著的地方特点。但是不言而喻,特殊利益既没有祖国意识,也没有省的观念,既没有一般精神,也没有乡土观念。有一些异想天开的作家喜欢把代表特殊利益看作是理想的浪漫主义、深邃的感情以及道德的个人形式和特殊形式的最丰富源泉。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1956:289

1. The sense of right and legality is the most important provincial characteristic of the Rhinelander. But it goes without saying that a particular interest, caring no more for the province than it does for the Fatherland, has also no concern for local spirit, any more than for the general spirit. In direct contradiction to those writers of fantasy who profess to find in the representation of private interests ideal romanticism, immeasurable depths of feeling, and the most fruitful source of individual and specific forms of morality, such representation on the contrary abolishes all natural and spiritual distinctions by enthroning in their stead the immoral, irrational and soulless abstraction of a particular material object and a particular consciousness which is slavishly subordinated to this object. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 262.

2. 把婚姻分成宗教的和世俗的两种本质,以致其中一种本质只同教会和个人的良心有关,而另一种本质则同国家和公民的法律意识有关,这是不充分的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:310

2. It is inadequate to divide the nature of marriage into two parts, a spiritual essence and a secular one, in such a way that one is assigned to the church and the individual conscience, the other to the state and the citizens' sense of law. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 275.

3. 在1899年5月27日给皇帝的回奏中,地方议会的议员详细陈述了按照芬兰的根本法,在颁布义务兵役法时所应遵循的程序。同时,他们指出,如果新的义务兵役法将以其他程序颁布,那么,这样的法令,即使能够强制执行,也不能为法律所承认,而且在芬兰人民看来,这不过是一种暴力行为而已。地方议会议员所指明的一切,始终是芬兰人民的法律意识,这种意识是暴力所不能改变的。——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:318

3. In its humble response of May 27, 1899, the Diet described in detail the order which, according to the fundamental laws of Finland must be observed in the promulgation of a law on military service. It was pointed out that if a new law on military service is passed in any other way, that law, even if put into operation by force, cannot be recognised as a legal measure, and in the eyes of the Finnish people will be nothing more than an act of violence. Everything the Diet indicated continues to be the Finnish people’s unchanging sense of justice, which cannot be changed by violence. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 308.


例句 1:
although after 60 years of socialist construction, China's economy has an unprecedented development, the construction of the socialist legal system has gradually improved, but compared with the legal consciousness of the Chinese peasants are still very weak, can say, if the lack of rule of law in rural areas in China, so the rule of law in China as a whole will not be completed.

例句 2:
Legal consciousness is one of the crucial problems in jurisprudence.

例句 3:
To construct modern legal awareness of women migrant workers and to evoke the trust, faith and emotion of women migrant workers for the rule of law is necessary for the formation and development of the rule of law.





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