

字词 求真务实


to pursue the truth and be pragmatic to be true and practical to work in a realistic and practical manner


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 402, 447, 462.


求真务实是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的科学精神,中国共产党的思想路线的核心内容,党的优良传统和共产党人应该具备的政治品质(十六大以来重要文献选编,2005:724)。“求真”,就是要探寻和获得真实情况,真正认识和把握客观事物运动的内在规律,侧重于认识世界,体现科学品格。“务实”,就是要坚持一切从客观实际出发,追求实实在在的成效,侧重于改造世界,体现实践品格。求真与务实的统一,是马克思主义认识论的必然要求和本质体现(奚洁人,2007:382)。邓小平同志指出:“路线是非基本澄清了,规划制订了,措施提出来了,群众已经发动起来了。现在,摆在我们各级党组织面前的事情,就是要鼓实劲,要切实解决问题,要踏踏实实地工作。一句话,就是要落在实处”(邓小平,1994:99-100)。求真务实要求人们在实践中努力获取真实情况,把握事物运动的客观规律,使自己的言行符合客观实际,从而获得实际效果,即要重实际、说实话、办实事、求实效。胡锦涛强调,坚持求真务实的根本要求是认识规律、把握规律、遵循和运用规律(十六大以来重要文献选编,2005:730)。求真务实的“真”,核心在于事物的规律性。认识规律、遵循和运用规律、按照党的思想路线办事,就是要不断深化对共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律这三个涉及党的使命、民族前途、人类命运的重要规律的认识。坚持求真务实的关键是“要引导全党同志不断求我国社会主义初级阶段基本国情之真,务坚持长期艰苦奋斗之实;求社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律之真,务抓好发展这个党执政兴国的第一要务之实;求人民群众的历史地位和作用之真,务发展最广大人民根本利益之实;求共产党执政规律之真,务全面加强和改进党的建设之实” (十六大以来重要文献选编,2005:728-729)。坚持求真务实的根本依据是正确认识国情,按照国情制定路线方针政策和开展工作。习近平认为:“优良作风就是我们党历来坚持的理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评以及艰苦奋斗、求真务实等作风”(习近平,2014:366)。求真务实是对马克思主义的实践观和邓小平实事求是理论的继承和发展,是党的思想路线的本质要求,是党的活力之所在,也是党和人民事业兴旺发达的关键之所在。




1. 什么是优良作风?优良作风就是我们党历来坚持的理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评以及艰苦奋斗、求真务实等作风。在革命、建设、改革长期实践中,我们党始终要求全党同志坚持光荣传统、发扬优良作风,为党和人民事业不断从胜利走向胜利提供了重要保障。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:366

1. What does this mean? It means respecting the Party’s long-held traditions of linking theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the people, engaging in criticism and self-criticism, cultivating tenacity in work, pursuing the truth and being pragmatic. All through the Party’s long period of revolution, construction and reform, the Party has always demanded that al1 its members maintain its fine tradition, and this is what has underpinned one victory after another for the Party and the people. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 401-402.

2. 当然,实践是不断发展的,我们的认识和工作也要与时俱进,看准了的要及时调整和完善,但不要换一届领导就兜底翻,更不要为了显示所谓政绩去另搞一套,不要空洞的新口号满天飞。很多时候,有没有新面貌,有没有新气象,并不在于制定一打一打的新规划,喊出一个一个的新口号,而在于结合新的实际,用新的思路、新的举措,脚踏实地把既定的科学目标、好的工作蓝图变为现实。要树立正确政绩观,多做打基础、利长远的事,不能搞脱离实际的盲目攀比,不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”,求真务实,真抓实干,勇于担当,真正做到对历史和人民负责。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:400

2. Of course, as practice evolves continuously, our thoughts and work should keep up with the changing times, and when we are absolutely sure, we can make adjustments and improvements in good time. Nevertheless, we must not allow a complete unraveling of policies just because a new leadership takes office, nor must we permit a separate agenda with empty fancy slogans flying all over the place just to show so-called achievements. Under most circumstances, a new look or new atmosphere in work are not related to formulating new plans or designing new slogans. Rather, they come about naturally when earnest, down-to-earth efforts are made to turn scientifically sound goals in the good blueprint into reality by taking stock of new conditions, adopting new ideas and employing new measures. Our officials should have a clear understanding of job performance, thinking more about working to lay a solid foundation which is conducive to long-term development and less about competing pointlessly with others, still less about building wasteful, showcase projects to prop up their own image. Let our officials be true and practical, dedicated to work and bold to shoulder their responsibilities, so as to live up to the expectations of history and the people. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 446-447.

3. 勤政务实,党的干部必须勤勉敬业、求真务实、真抓实干、精益求精,创造出经得起实践、人民、历史检验的实绩。敢于担当,党的干部必须坚持原则、认真负责,面对大是大非敢于亮剑,面对矛盾敢于迎难而上,面对危机敢于挺身而出,面对失误敢于承担责任,面对歪风邪气敢于坚决斗争。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:413

3. To be diligent in work means that Party officials must be dedicated to their work in a down -to-earth, realistic and pragmatic manner, and take solid and tangible measures to make achievements that can prove their worth in practice, survive the scrutiny of the people and stand the test of time. To be ready to take on responsibilities means that Party officials must adhere to principles with a responsible attitude, and have the courage to take resolute actions in the face of major issues of principle, to tackle difficulties head-on in the face of conflicts, to step forward in the face of crises, to admit their share of mistakes and to resolutely fight against misconduct. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 462.


例句 1:
Since the 16th Congress Communist Party of China, the central leaders of the new collective of our Party carry on the style of being truthful and practical and develop the spirit of being truthful and practical in the great practice of overall construction moderately well-off society, and set up the image of being truthful and practical and the Party’s manner of being close to the people. So the new central leading collective has gained praise by the people domestic and abroad.

例句 2:
"Truth-seeking-Utility-attaining" continuum model of evaluation constructed by Professor Zhou Lingshun is the effective attempt under this circumstance. The analysis is made under the guidance of this continuum model of evaluation. A translator's task is to transfer messages between two different languages. The activity of "truth-seeking" in the source text is the nature of being a translator. Meanwhile, as a translator, the extra textual factors have to be taken into consideratio





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