

字词 普遍价值


universal value


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 128.
[2] Universal value. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_value




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 赵汀阳.普遍价值和必要价值[J].世界哲学,2009(06).


1. 在马克思1843年写下的《论犹太人问题》等文中,这种新的异化理论的思想就已经初露端倪。马克思写道,在经济生活中,金钱是一种在人类主体之外的物,但它又是人类主体本质外在化的表现。金钱明明是人所创造之物,可是现在它却以“一切事物的普遍价值”的身份剥夺了主体自身和整个世界的价值,更重要的是,异化了的主体又不得不匍匐于这个人造物面前,对之顶礼膜拜。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:175

1. In works such as Marx’s 1843 On the Jewish Question, the thinking of this new theory of alienation first began to become clear. Marx wrote that in economic life, money is a form of material that exists outside the human subject, but it is also a representation of the externalization of the human essence. Though money is clearly a creation of man, yet now as the universal value of all goods it has deprived the subject itself, as well as the entire world, of its value. More importantly, the alienated subject has no choice but to grovel before this man-made creation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 128.

2. 抽象的“价值在自身之中并不存在,存在的惟有个别事物,这些事物在其他的属性中才有价值。这里的问题在于,在个人的实践以及他的现实活动中,它表现得好像各种特殊事物(商品)正是普遍价值的多样性体现”。这又是一种颠倒。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:391

2. Value in itself does not exist; there are just individual things which, among other properties, have value. The problem is that in his practice, in his real activity, he acts as if the particular things (the commodities) were just so many embodiments of universal Value. It is another inversion. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 501-502.


例句 1:
Outstanding universal value of South China Karst (Phase 1) World Heritage Nominated Sites consists of the following items.

例句 2:
Third, empirical analysis part, in this part the author accordance with chronological order, classing the succession process into 6 parts to analysis and summarize (Qin Han, Wei and Jin, Tang and Song, Ming and Qing,at the end of Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China and after New China was founded). On this basis, from the perspective of domestic and foreign tourist–china declaration experts– the world heritage experts in order to find out weakness in understanding of Lushan cultural landscape. Therefore, it’s outstanding universal value and unique significance of Lushan cultural landscape under a worldwide perspective was pointed out.

例句 3:
The Convention Concerning the Protection of the W





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