

字词 《论权威》


On Authority


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988: 422.
[2] Friedrich Engels, Von der Autorität, 1872/1873.via: https://marx-wirklich-studieren.net/2012/11/21/friedrich-engels-von-der-autoritat-18721873/






1. 这种较少辩证法色彩的理论研究方法,所带来的必然是更多地从实际问题推导出来的结论。恩格斯的《论权威》一文便是把某种技术性的方法发挥到极致的一个典型例子。他在该文中把革命后社会的必要的纪律与当时工厂通行的纪律作了比较。起码从1847年写《共产主义原理》以来,他在思想上就存在着倚重非主观因素的倾向,从而使他常常对资产阶级国家采取比较温和的态度。他倾向于避免强调国家机器必须打碎的思想,而认为共和国是“无产阶级将来进行统治的现成的政治形式汇”。­­——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:12

1. This less than dialectical approach to theory had its corollary in more practical matters: a technological approach illustrated at its most extreme in Engels’s article: On Authority, where he compares the discipline necessary in post-revolutionary society to that currently obtaining in factories. The emphasis on the non-subjective factors that had been present in his thought at least since the Principles of Communism of 1847 led him often to adopt a relatively mild attitude to the bourgeois state. Engels tended to avoid emphasizing the ides that the State needed to be smashed and considered the republic to be the ready-for-use political form for the future role of the proletariat. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 1998: 14-15.

2. 这篇文章是恩格斯应恩·比尼亚米的屡次请求为《共和国年鉴》这本文集而写的。比尼亚米向恩格斯提出这个请求最早是在1872年7月,1872年11月3日,比尼亚米通知说,他已收到了恩格斯的文章,但由于比尼亚米被捕,文章丢失了。1873年3月恩格斯寄给比尼亚米《论权威》一文,比尼亚米在1873年12月予以发表。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十八卷)》,1964:800

2. Engels wrote this article after repeated requests by Enrico Bignami to Marx and Engels to send him articles for the collection Almanacco Repubblicano. Bignami addressed Engels for the first time on July 31, 1872. On November 3, 1872, Bignami informed Engels that he had received his article written, apparently, in October. However, Bignami was arrested and the manuscript was lost. In March 1873 Engels sent Bignami the second version of the article "On Authority" which was published in December of that year in the Almanacco Repubblicano per I'anno 1874. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1988: 703.


例句 1:
On Authority safeguarded this rule from the aspect of the unifying and concentration leadership and the disciplines.

例句 2:
Based on the thought of Engels’s “Theory of authority”, this article discusses and researches the questions related to authority, analyzes the development of the authority, the essence of authority, the legitimacy of political authority and so on, on the basis of the actual authority problems that Chinese government faced with, it builds a series of theoretical presupposition from several aspects such as the transformation and construction of the government itself, the level of citizen's participation and so on.

例句 3:
The thesis taking basic view from the book “On Authority” by as basis, proves that law not only brings authority into its orbit; but also deal with the relation between authority and autonomy in design from two angles of law’s regulation function and its authentic property, we can’t favor one





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