

字词 政治组织


political organization; political institution


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 194.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 205.






1. 德国市民过于软弱,不能限制荷兰人的剥削。小小荷兰的资产阶级比人数众多的德国市民强大,荷兰资产阶级已有很发展的阶级利益,而德国市民却没有共同利益,只有分散的小眼小孔的利益。与利益的分散性相适应的是政治组织的分散性——许多小公国和帝国自由市。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:212-213

1. The German middle class was too impotent to set limits to exploitation by the Dutch. The bourgeoisie of little Holland, with its well-developed class interests, was more powerful than the far more numerous German middle class with its indifference and its divided petty interests. The fragmentation of interests was matched by the fragmentation of political organisation, the division into small principalities and free imperial cities. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 194.

2. “奥地利马克思主义”一词是指奥地利社会主义者中的一种思想倾向。这种倾向始于1907年创办《马克思研究》(Marxstudien)这一颇具影响的刊物。奥地利马克思主义并不是一个政治组织或工人组织,而是一种思想流派。其主要代表人物是马克斯·阿德勒(Max Adler)、卡尔·伦纳(Karl Renner)、奥托·鲍威尔(Otto Bauer),以及鲁道夫·希法亭(Rudolf Hilferding)。他们原初都是急于想解决马克思主义所面对的诸如新康德主义、边际经济学和民族问题等各个领域的新问题。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:58

2. The term Austro-Marxism indicates a trend among Austrian socialists which began with the publication of the weighty Marxstudien in 1907. Austro-Marxism was not a political or a workers’ organisation: it was an intellectual tendency. Its main adherents were Max Adler, Karl Renner, Otto Bauer and Rudolf Hilferding, all of whom had original minds eager to get to grips with new problems facing Marxism in fields as diverse as neo-Kantianism, marginalist economics, and the national question. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 63.

3. 葛兰西深信,列宁主义的策略忽视了资产阶级意识形态的领导权,必然在西方发达的工业化国家中行不通。因此,他主张党在试图夺取政权之前,应该是一个教育机构(而不是一个直接的政治组织),由它提供一种“反(资产阶级的)文化”,其目的是在市民社会的大多数方面取得支配地位。党组织(还有工厂委员会)预先训练工人管理自己的生活,从而为革命后的形势作准备。没有在市民社会中获得领导权的政权控制,对社会主义纲领来说,便缺少可靠的基础。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:197

3. Gramsci was convinced that the Leninist strategy of neglecting the ideological hegemony of the bourgeoisie would not work in the advanced industrialised countries of the West. Thus he advocated a Party that was an educational institution offering a counter-culture whose aim was to gain an ascendancy in most aspects of civil society (as opposed to directly political institutions), before the attempt was made on state power. The party organisations—and also the Factory Councils—trained the workers in the assumption of control over their own lives and thus anticipated a post-revolutionary situation. Control of state power without hegemony in civil society was an insecure basis for a socialist programme. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 205.


例句 1:
In the strategic transforming period of countryside development, the construction of harmonious relations between the farmer political organization and the government become the people to have no alternative but to ponder that, has no alternative but to value the question. Specially from the perspecties of the influence of political organization to the government and farmer’s development, the government and the farmer political organization bath has the republican relations, and mutually conflicts.

例句 2:
Seen from the relationship between state and society, systemic integration of political organization with social organization is a new issue in the political development of China, which involves the relationship between the two organizations and their respective roles.

例句 3:
2000 年代初在原苏联加盟共和国爆发了“颜色革命”,青年政治组织在其中发挥了重要作用。——““颜色革命”与 2000 年代俄罗斯青年政治组织的发展”,载于《北京青年研究》2016年第1期
In the first years of 2000s, “the Color Revolution” broke out in the allied republics of the former Soviet Union, and the youth po





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