

字词 教育公平


equal access to education; fair access to education


[1] Report on the Work of Government, 2015. via:
[2] Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm


教育公平,是指国家对教育资源进行配置时所依据的合理性的规范或原则。从历史上看,古希腊的大思想家柏拉图最早提出教育公平的思想,亚里士多德则首先提出通过法律保证自由公民的教育权利。在两千年前我国古代的大教育家孔子也提出“有教无类”的朴素教育民主思想。近代西方资产阶级致力于寻求教育公平,18世纪末,教育公平的思想已在一些西方国家转化为立法措施,在法律上确定了人人都有受教育的平等机会。而我国自古代隋朝建立的科举考试制度同样也体现了一种教育公平的理念。到了近现代的西方社会,又在不同的时期大致出现了三种不同的教育公平观,它们就是保守主义的教育公平观、自由主义的教育公平观和激进主义的教育公平观。1949年,新中国成立之后,《共同纲领》便确定了“民族的、科学的、大众的”新民主主义的教育方针,体现了新中国重视社会公平、教育公平的基本价值。当前,教育公平是大部分国家公共政策追求的目标,政府对教育公平发展一般有两个基本认识:其一,保证国家的每个公民接受一定年限的基础教育,使其获得基本知识与能力,能够在社会中生存下来;其二,保证国家的每个公民享有平等的入学机会,不受社会经济状况、阶层、民族、地理位置、身体条件的影响,对于义务教育之外的基础教育而言,则采用公平有效的入学标准,除此标准外,学生不受其他条件的影响(The World Bank,1995:113)。


The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Priorities and Strategies for Education [R]. Washington, D. C.: The World Bank, 1995.


1. 加强贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校建设,提高家庭经济困难学生资助水平,国家助学贷款资助标准大幅上调。中等职业学校免学费补助政策扩大到三年。实行义务教育免试就近入学政策,28个省份实现了农民工随迁子女在流入地参加高考。贫困地区农村学生上重点高校人数连续两年增长10%以上。经过努力,全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例超过4%。——《2015年政府工作报告》

1. We strengthened efforts to improve badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education in poor areas, increased financial aid to students from poor families, and significantly increased the amount available per eligible student for national study assistance loans. The scheme to subsidize the waiving of tuition fees at schools providing secondary vocational education was extended to cover three years of study. Policies have been introduced to ensure that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams, and 28 provincial-level administrative areas began to allow children who live with their migrant worker parents to take the college entrance exam in their cities of residence. The number of students from poor rural areas who were newly enrolled in key colleges and universities increased by more than 10% for the second year running. Through hard work, government spending on education has come to reach over 4% of GDP. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.

2. 六是社会发展成就斐然。教育公平和质量明显提升。基本医疗保险实现全覆盖,基本养老保险参保率超过 80%。文化软实力持续提升。依法治国全面推进。中国特色军事变革成就显著。经过五年努力,我国经济实力、科技实力、国防实力、国际影响力又上了一个大台阶。——《2016年政府工作报告》

2. Sixth, notable achievements were made in social development. Significant progress was made in ensuring equal access to education, and the quality of education markedly improved. Basic health insurance was expanded to achieve complete coverage, and participation in basic pension plans exceeded 80% of the whole population. China’s soft power continued to grow. The rule of law was advanced in all respects. Significant achievements were made in the military revolution with Chinese characteristics. Over the past five years, China’s economic strength, scientific and technological capabilities, defense capabilities, and international influence have all been strengthened considerably. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.


例句 1:
Education equity includes equity of educational right, equity of educational starting point, equity of educational process and equity of educational outcome.

例句 2:
With the development of economic society today, people pay more and more attention to the questions related to educational fairness.

例句 3:
Education equity between urban and rural areas has become a hot topic among researchers and an important content in rural education practice as well.





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