

字词 拉克劳


Ernesto Laclau


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:1062.
[2] Ernesto Laclau. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Laclau






1. 诀窍在于使中央计划与民主兼容,但是,正如拉克劳在《对我们时代的革命的新反思》中指出的那样,这是假定只有两种社会模式是可行的,而他的后马克思主义规划就是想要对此加以反驳。自中央计划社会的乌托邦构想——产生于大萧条的经验和第二次世界大战—产生以来,反驳的理由已经发生了急剧的变化。就此而言,拉克劳是在为这场革命提出一个新方向。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:68

1. The trick was to make central planning compatible with democracy, but as Laclau points out in New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, this was to assume that only two models of society were available, which his post-Marxist project is designed to dispute. Laclau is postulating a new direction for this revolution, given that the grounds of debate have altered so dramatically since the utopian vision of centrally planned societies that had come out of the experience of the Depression and the Second World War. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 43.

2. 恰恰是杰拉斯把后马克思主义事业称为“智识疾病的高级阶段”。因此,这毫不含糊地表明了那种把经典马克思主义者和改革者割裂开来的鸿沟,并且把他同拉克劳和墨菲之间的交锋变成对20世纪末的左翼来说非常具有象征意义的一种交锋。拉克劳——墨菲事件激起了各类左翼理论家的各种不同反应,表明了马克思主义在面对普遍文化变革时是如何断裂的。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:20

2. It was Geras who dubbed the post-Marxist project ‘the very advanced stage of an intellectual malady’, thus signalling in no uncertain terms the gulf separation the classical Marxists from the reformers, and turning his exchange with Laclau and Mouffe into a heavily symbolic one for the late twentieth-century left. The Laclau-Mouffe affair, which involved a variety of responses from a wide range of left-wing theorists, demonstrates how Marxism is fracturing in the face of widespread cultural change. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 12.

3. 这样,齐泽克以下的选择才是可以理解的,他所基本肯定的社会历史革命现正是所谓“后马克思主义”的逻辑,即拉克劳和墨菲的“后马克思主义”社会主义新战略。在齐泽克看来,拉克劳——墨菲的观念来自于“对阿尔都塞的体系的一种‘后现代主义’或‘解构主义’的置换:科学与意识形态之间的区分崩塌了,因为‘意识形态’概念被普遍化为困扰每种社会形态之心的霸权而斗争,它解释霸权的认同,同时永远防止其结束”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:345

3. Thus, we can understand Zizek, whose social historical view is but the post-Marxist thought, the new socialist strategy of the “post-Marxism” of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. (For Zizek, it can be read as a kind of “postmodernist” or “deconstructionist” displacement of the Althusserian edifice: the distinction between science and ideology collapses since the notion of ideology is universalized as the struggle for hegemony that rends the very heart of every social formation, accounting for its fragile identity and, simultaneously, forever preventing its closure; the notion of the subject is re-conceptualized as the very operator of hegemony. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 448-449.


例句 1:
This thesis mainly discusses fundamental the points of Laclau’s “Post-Marxism”, and give some meaning analyses on it. Laclau, by the means of the key conception-“contingency”, puts forward the theory of “the theory of discourse”.

例句 2:
在这样的背景下,拉克劳和墨菲认为传统的马克思主义已经不能应对这些“突如其来的变化”,为了适应新社会主义运动的发展,他们提出了所谓能够实现一种对马克思主义理论进行哥白尼式革命的“后马克思主义”理论。—— 《拉克劳和墨菲的后马克思主义理论研究》,吉林大学博士学位论文,2014
In this context, Laclau and Mouffe think that the traditional doctrine of Marx has been unable to deal with these “come unexpectedly changes”, in order to adapt to the  development of new socialist movement, they put forward the so-called can achieve  a Copernicus style revolution “after the Marx doctrine” theory of Marx’s theory.

例句 3:
With the continuous development of productive forces, capitalism has stepped into the post-industrial era, the change of capitalist mode of production has changed human being's living conditions and ways of thinking, which makes Marx’s ideology fall into the theoretical predicament,





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