

字词 我思故我在


I think; therefore I am.


Cogito ergo sum. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito_ergo_sum




[1] 孙鼎国,王杰.西方思想3000年·下.九洲图书出版社,1998.
[2] 罗伯特·艾伦.哲学的盛宴[M].刘华译,世界出版社,2014.
[3] 王惠敏.最全最全的哈佛哲学课[M].北京联合出版社,2014.
[4] 钟健.中外哲学理论解读[M].新疆生产建设兵团出版社,2013.


1. [拉丁语:我思想,所以我存在]笛卡尔的形而上学体系的第一原理或第一真理。我可以怀疑一切事情,包括我是否有一个身体。但是只要我在思维的过程中,我就存在。即使我怀疑我的存在,也必定有一个能怀疑的“我”存在着。 否认正在思想的东西的存在是一个矛盾。——《西方哲学英汉对照辞典》,2001:162

1. [Latin: I think, therefore I am.] The first principle or first truth of Descartes’ metaphysical system. I can doubt everything, including whether I have a body. But as long as I am engaged in the process of thinking, I exist. Even if I doubt my existence, there must exist an “I” who can doubt. It would be a contraction to deny the existence of something which is thinking. –Quoted from Dictionary of Western Philosophy, 2001: 162.

2. 由于看到“我思想,所以我存在”这条真理是那样可靠和确实,以致怀疑论者的一切最狂妄的假定都不能使它动摇。于是我断定,我可以毫不迟疑地接受它,把它当做我所寻求的哲学的第一原理。——《方法谈》,Ⅳ

2. Observing that this truth “I am thinking, therefore I exist” [Ego Cogito ergo sum] was so firm and sure that all the most extravagant suppositions of the skeptics were incapable of shaking it. I decided that I could accept it without scruple as the first principle of the philosophy of I was seeking. –Quoted from Discourse on the Method, Ⅳ.


例句 1:
By rethinking “Cogito, ergo sum”, the paper tries to open one entrance door understanding “cogito and sum”. “Cogito, ergo sum” not only has the dominant position of human beings to establish the efficacy and purpose, also contains his life for the world unanswered.

例句 2:
Cogito, ergo sum is a miracle of the history of philosophy. In terms of this proposition, Descartes exploit a vast domain of the problem, which is full of all kinds of mystery. Many interpreters were tempted to solve these problems; simultaneously they create  new problems, and expand the original domain, with more and more important  issues to be present.

例句 3:
Hegel proposes this concept as responding to the pattern of subject-object in modern philosophy. Descartes’ "I think, therefore I am" establishes the pattern of subject-object.





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