字词 | 悲观主义 |
释义 | 悲观主义【英】pessimism译文来源[1] Pessimism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pessimism 定义悲观主义是一种与乐观主义相对立的消极人生观或态度。在古希腊时期,悲观主义作为一种世界观和人生观,其本意被视为“最坏的”,即认为世界变化莫测、人生变化无常。悲观主义在人生观上含有消极的人生态度,认为人注定要遭受苦难并陷入悲观绝望。极端的悲观主义者有自我伤害、自我否定的倾向,同时也有否定社会、否定国家的倾向。持有悲观主义态度的人们都希望超越现实以求解脱。由于悲观主义有“虚无”的倾向和否定“善”的倾向,因而悲观主义是一种伦理的倒退。在西方古希腊时期,悲观主义表现为怀疑论,其典型代表学派为斯多亚学派和新柏拉图学派。悲观主义在宗教领域中表现的最为明显,其破坏力也最为严重。西方基督教教义中就存有原罪一说,认为人的祖先就是罪恶的、丑恶的,而世世代代的子孙无论如何奋斗都无法在现世中获得幸福。显然,宗教中这种原罪的教义是一种典型的悲观主义。“悲观主义”一词在十九世纪被普遍使用,其代表人物有叔本华、哈特曼、尼采、闵林德尔和意大利诗人列奥帕尔等。我国的先秦时代也有悲观主义思想,如老庄思想,他们认为社会的繁荣和进步以及民智的开花将导致道德的下降,因而主张回到原始蒙昧的状态中去。在中国共产党的历史上也曾出现过大革命失败后陈独秀的右倾悲观主义,和抗日战争时期的“亡国论”的悲观主义情绪。在现代,存在主义中也有悲观主义的表现,认为历史发展规律是不可认识的,人们无法摆脱异化力量的奴役。马克思主义对悲观主义持反对态度,坚信人类的社会进步和道德进步,并主张同悲观主义的恶势力作斗争,保持乐观主义(金炳华,2003:661)。 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 不要忘记,在我们和群众的联系问题上流行的悲观主义,现在特别经常地掩盖着关于无产阶级在革命中的作用问题上的资产阶级观念。毫无疑问,我们在教育和组织工人阶级方面还有许许多多工作要做,但是现在全部问题却在于这种教育工作和组织工作的主要政治重心应当放在什么地方。——《列宁全集(第十一卷)》,1987:3 1. It must not be forgotten that the current pessimism about our ties with the masses very often serves as a screen for bourgeois ideas regarding the proletariat’s role in the revolution. Undoubtedly, we still have a great deal to do in educating and organizing the working class; but now the gist of the matter is: where should we place the main political emphasis in this work of education and organisation? -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 19. 2. 古希腊人虽然作出了一些成就,但是他们不知道光谱分析、化学、微分、蒸汽机、公路、电报和铁路。对这些下等人的成果还有什么可多谈的。一切都是坏的——只要这类否定论者是悲观主义者的话——,但至高无上的、完美无缺的我们自己除外,这样,我们的悲观主义又转变成为我们的乐观主义。这样,我们自己造成了否定的否定!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:674 2. True, the Greeks of antiquity accomplished a few things, but they knew nothing of spectral analysis, chemistry, differential calculus, steam-engines, chaussées, the electric telegraph or the railway. Why dwell at length on the products of people of such minor importance? Everything is bad—so far this sort of negator is a pessimist—save our own exalted selves, who are perfect, and thus our pessimism resolves itself into optimism. And thus we ourselves have perpetrated a negation of the negation! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 607. 3. 言论上指出投降主义的危险,行动上组织人民群众制止投降运动。投降主义根源于民族失败主义,即民族悲观主义,这种悲观主义认为中国在打了败仗之后再也无力抗日。不知失败正是成功之母,从失败经验中取得了教训,即使将来胜利的基础。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:382 3. Both by words, that is, by exposing the danger of capitulationism, and by deeds, that is, by organizing the masses to stop the capitulationist activities. Capitulationism has its roots in national defeatism or national pessimism, that is, in the idea that having lost some battles, China has no strength left to fight Japan. These pessimists do not realize that failure is the mother of success, that the lessons learned from failures are the basis for future triumphs. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 56. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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