字词 | 大萧条 |
释义 | 大萧条【英】Great Depression; the Depression译文来源[1] Great Depression. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression 定义大萧条是美国历史上经历的时间最长,程度最深的一次经济不景气。大萧条是以1929年10月纽约股票交易所的股票价格指数暴跌作为开始,直到1941年下半年美国参加第二次世界大战才结束,美国经济于1933年几乎到达了崩溃的边缘。在三年多一点的时间里,国民收入下降了将近一半;资本投资大幅度下降,净投资为负;失业率极高,几乎三个人中就有一个人是失业的;1933年3月6日,弗兰克林·罗斯福总统被迫宣布了“银行假日”才避免了银行体系的完全崩溃。经济从大萧条中走出来是十分缓慢的,1933—1936年的短暂经济扩张后,经济再次陷入更深度的萧条之中。在1941年,也就是纽约股票风潮的12年后,失业率依然高达10%,人均收入水平尚未达到1929年水平。美国参加第二次世界大战,结束了这次长期的经济衰退,人们可以肯定的是战时的巨额支出使经济摆脱了大萧条,但就连经济学家们也不清楚是什么原因使经济如此衰退,一个时间以及一个因素是无法回答这一问题的。可以对大萧条作出解释的因素有以下几个:(1)资产价格的暴跌。1932年底的纽约股票交易所的价格水平只是1929年底的20%,其他资产价格也是同样地下降了,资产价格的下降对金融机构特别是银行构成巨大的压力。(2)银行无力供应货币。1929年,美国大约有25,000家银行,到1933年只剩下14,000家。银行的破产以及由此带来的金融能力的下降,大大地降低了经济活力,从1929—1933年,货币供给能力下降了20%。(3)消费支出和投资下降。(4)美国经济的结构问题。罗斯福的新政给美国经济带来了巨大的结构变化(刘伟,1994:35)。 定义来源刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:35. 例句1. “我们时代的革命”是1943年哈罗德·拉斯基(Harold Laski)在一本书中提出的术语,用来表示走向社会主义的意识形态转变和中央计划理论,就像在苏联的情况中那样,苏联似乎为像英国这样的国家提供了前进的道路。诀窍在于使中央计划与民主兼容,但是,正如拉克劳在《对我们时代的革命的新反思》中指出的那样,这是假定只有两种社会模式是可行的,而他的后马克思主义规划就是想要对此加以反驳。自中央计划社会的乌托邦构想— 产生于大萧条的经验和第二次世界大战—产生以来,反驳的理由已经发生了急剧的变化。就此而言,拉克劳是在为这场革命提出一个新方向。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:68 1. The ‘revolution of our time’ had been Harold Laski’s term, in a 1943 book, for the ideological shift towards socialism and the doctrine of central planning, as in the example of Soviet Russia, which had seemed to present the way forward for countries like England. The trick was to make central planning compatible with democracy, but as Laclau points out in New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, this was to assume that only two models of society were available, which his post-Marxist project is designed to dispute. Laclau is postulating a new direction for this revolution, given that the grounds of debate have altered so dramatically since the utopian vision of centrally planned societies that had come out of the experience of the Depression and the Second World War. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2011: 43-44. 2. 与此同时,考茨基本人还认为,危机将比以往更加严重;在资本主义制度下,周期性的萧条是不可避免的。到后来(反对罗莎·卢森堡时),他才承认国内的消费能够吸纳不断增加的产品。但在与伯恩施坦的争论中,他还是坚持认为,虽然更多地使用机器必然带来生产的增长,然而由于这种制度倾向于尽可能地压低工资,工人阶级的消费力却不会随之增长——结果是,资本家不能吸收剩余产品,而得不越来越多地再行投资,最后的崩溃便是不可避免的了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:24-25 2. Kautsky himself took the view that crises would be ever more serious and that cyclical depressions were inevitable under capitalism. He admitted later (as against Rosa Luxemburg) that domestic consumption could absorb increased production. But in his argument with Bernstein he maintained that an increase in production was inevitable with the further introduction of machinery and that the consumption capacity of the working class would not rise concomitantly, since the system tended to depress wages as far as possible. The resulting surplus produce could not be absorbed by the capitalists, who had to reinvest more and more, and an eventual collapse was inevitable. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 28. 3. 鲍威尔认为,资本主义制度下的周期性萧条使得资本家进一步向利润率更高的不发达国家寻求势力范围。卡特尔和银行使这种寻求过程更容易了,因为资本家的投资能够受到关税的保护。鲍威尔还关注垄断资本主义与帝国主义的关系。因后来,他还开展了对俄国革命的评判,他承认临时性的少数人专政的必要性,但这种专政只能是向多数人的民主过渡这一条件下的、正当的防卫措施。因鲍威尔尖锐地批判了1930年前后苏联的“国家资本主义”。在1920年由奥地利社会民主党人、俄国孟什维克和其他欧洲工党共同组建的所谓“第二半国际”中,鲍威尔的观点占据了支配地位。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:59 3. According to Bauer, the cyclical depressions under capitalism made capitalists seek further spheres of influence in underdeveloped countries where the profit rate was higher. Cartels and banks made this process easier as they could get their investments protected by tariffs. Bauer then drew attention to the connection between monopoly capitalism and imperialism. He later developed a critique of the Russian Revolution, admitting the necessity for a temporary minority dictatorship only as a defensive measure justifiable on condition of its evolving into a majoritarian democracy. Bauer was a sharp critic of ‘state capitalism' in the Soviet Union around 1930. His views became predominant in the so-called ‘2 1/2 International' founded in 1920 by the Austrian Social Democrats, the Mensheviks, and other European Labour Parties. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 64. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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