字词 | 恶 |
释义 | 恶【英】evil译文来源Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014:341. 定义中国古代伦理范畴。是人们对一定的道德行为的肯定或否定的评价。凡是符合一定的道德原则和规范便称之为善,相反即为恶。古代一般以善恶论人性,认为善是人所天赋的仁、义、礼、智、信等道德品质,恶则是人的饮食之欲等自然本性。宋明理学多用善恶评价自然万物,将其泛化。如南宋朱熹对《易·系辞》所言“一阴一阳之谓道,继之者善也”之解释是:“继之者善,生生不巳之意”,“造化流行处,是善”;对《礼记·大学》关于“止于至善”的解释是:“事物当然之极”(《四书集注》)。明王守仁以心释善,认为“至善者,明德亲民之极则也”。至于北宋张载、程颢、程颐等人则以善恶论气。反映了中国哲学重视人的道德价值,重视人的主体性的特色。(方克立,1994: 677) 定义来源[1] 恶.via: 例句1. 在此时的马克思眼里,分工的理论角色,是在经济学科中才能得以确认的恶之源。马克思的逻辑转换再次明确地得以显现,他力图用科学的经济学规定取代哲学的价值规定。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:438 1. In Marx’s opinion at this time, the division of labor was the root of evil, one that could only be verified in the science of economics. Here Marx’s logical shift becomes clear, as he tries to use scientific economic qualifications to replace philosophical value qualifications. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 341. 2. 洪达要成为一个执行机关,它的人数是太多了,它的人员的组成太偶然了;同时,洪达要想具有国民公会那样的权威,它的人数又太少了。单单中央洪达的权力是从各省洪达授予的这个情况就使得它不能克服各省洪达的野心、恶念和任性的利己主义。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十卷)》,1962:473 2. Being too numerous and too fortuitously mixed for an executive government, they were too few to pretend to the authority of National Convention. The mere fact of their power having been delegated from the provincial juntas rendered them unfit for overcoming the ambitious propensities, the ill will, and the capricious egotism of those bodies. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1980: 408. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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