字词 | 恢复重建 |
释义 | 恢复重建【英】rebuilding译文来源http://www.people.com.cn/h/2011/0624/c25408-1-2679294576.html 例句1. 我们积极支持汶川地震灾后恢复重建,投入超过1万亿元,建成一批高水平的基础设施和公共设施,重建和维修加固农村住房483万户、城镇住房175万套,灾区面貌焕然一新。——《共同推动世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长》 1. More than Rmb1,000bn have been spent in rebuilding after the Wenchuan earthquake. In the affected areas, quality infrastructure and public facilities were constructed, and 4.83m rural houses and 1.75m urban apartments were rebuilt or reinforced. The quake-hit areas have taken on a new look. —Quoted from How China Plans to Reinforce The Global Recovery |
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