字词 | 思维运动 |
释义 | 思维运动【英】thinking movement; motion of thought; movement of thought译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:240. 定义人的理性活动,人脑借助于概念、判断、推理及其他逻辑方法反映客观现实的认识过程。思维运动的生理机制是人脑的高级神经活动。人脑是一个既有精细分工又有紧密合作的系统。人的思维运动,既要有大脑的生理机制作为物质基础,又必须要有作为思维对象的外界的客观存在物。人的思维运动是人脑反映客观事物一般特性及其规律性的活动,没有客观外界的对象,就不能有人的思维运动(金炳华,2003:240)。马克思主义把辩证法“归结为关于外部世界和人类思维的运动的一般规律的科学”(马克思等,1972:239)。列宁说:“思维的范畴不是人的工具,而是自然的和人的规律性的表述”(列宁,1990:75)。思维运动不同于人的感性认识活动,它具有抽象概括性的特点,它所反映的不是个别事物或个别属性,而是事物的一般特性以及事物之间的规律性联系。人的思维活动是通过长期的实践活动而形成和发展的。实践是思维的源泉。思维同语言有密切的关系。思维运动的进行和其结果的记载与巩固,都离不开语言。思维运动是极其复杂的过程,它包括分析、综合、比较、抽象和概括等过程。概念是思维的基本单位或基本形式;判断和推理是概念进一步的展开与发展。人的思维运动,是人类特有的能动性的一种表现。任何人的具体的思维活动,总是为了解决某一理论或实践的问题。人工智能器,能模拟人脑的部分思维活动,可以起到延长和加强人类智能某种属性的作用,但不能完全代替人脑思维。人们的思维要把握具体的复杂的事物,并把它作为思维的具体复制出来,在逻辑行程上必须坚持从抽象上升到具体的道路(思维运动,via: 定义来源[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第四卷)[M].人民出版社,1972. 例句1. 辩证逻辑和旧的纯粹的形式逻辑相反,不象后者满足于把各种思维运动形式,即各种不同的判断和推理的形式列举出来和毫无关联地排列起来。相反地,辩证逻辑由此及彼地推出这些形式,不把它们互相平列起来,而使它们互相隶属,从低级形式发展出高级形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:566 1. Dialectical logic, in contrast to the old, merely formal logic, is not, like the latter, content with enumerating the forms of motion of thought, i.e. the various forms of judgment and conclusion, and placing them side by side without any connection. On the contrary, it derives these forms out of one another, it makes one subordinate to another instead of putting them on an equal level, it develops the higher forms out of the lower. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 504. 2. 举个荒唐可笑的例子,马克斯·阿德勒想把作为方法、作为思维运动的辩证法同作为形而上学的存在的辩证法批判地区分开来。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:59 2. To give a grotesque illustration, Max Adler wished to make a critical distinction between dialectics as method, as the movement of thought on the one hand and the dialectics of being, as metaphysics on the other. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 11. 3. 正象本质、对象表现为思想的本质一样,主体也始终是意识或自我意识,或者更正确些说,对象仅仅表现为抽象的意识,而人仅仅表现为自我意识。因此,在《现象学》中出现的异化的各种不同形式,不过是意识和自我意识的不同形式。正象抽象的意识本身(对象就被看成这样的意识)仅仅是设定差别的自我意识的一个环节一样,这一运动的结果表现为自我意识和意识的同一,绝对知识,那种已经不是向外部而是仅仅在自身内部进行的抽象思维运动,也就是说,其结果是纯思想的辩证法。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:162-163 3. Just as entities, objects, appear as thought-entities, so the subject is always consciousness or self-consciousness; or rather the object appears only as abstract consciousness, man only as self-consciousness: the distinct forms of estrangement which make their appearance are, therefore, only various forms of consciousness and self-consciousness. Just as in itself abstract consciousness (the form in which the object is conceived) is merely a moment of distinction of self-consciousness, what appears as the result of the movement is the identity of self-consciousness with consciousness—absolute knowledge—the movement of abstract thought no longer directed outwards but proceeding now only within its own self: that is to say, the dialectic of pure thought is the result. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 332. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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