字词 | 布朗基 |
释义 | 布朗基【英】Louis Auguste Blanqui译文来源[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 125. 定义路易·奥古斯特·布朗基(1805—1881),法国早期工人运动活动家、革命家、空想社会主义者,巴黎公社的传奇人物,巴黎公社议会主席。他经历并积极参加了从复辟王朝到巴黎公社时期的法国历次革命斗争,资产阶级对他横加迫害。在他一生的七十六年中,两次被判处死刑,十五次遭审判,坐了三十三年半的牢,过了十年的管制和流亡的生活,然而残酷的迫害从不能使他屈服。布朗基不屈不挠的斗争精神,忠贞不渝的革命品质,对当时年青一代的革命者产生深刻的影响。尤其是在他的领导下而重新组织起来的革命队伍——布朗基派,不仅为法国工人运动培养了人材,而且它还成为法国工人运动的一个重要派别,对国际共产主义运动也有很大的影响(骆幼玲,1984:85)。布朗基的社会政治思想是在实际斗争中,在空想社会主义特别是巴贝夫学说影响下形成和发展的。他的实际革命活动和关于武装夺取政权实行革命专政的思想远优于一般空想社会主义者。但他强调由少数革命者通过起义推翻剥削制度,他主张的专政仍然是少数革命家的专政,而不是整个阶级即无产阶级的专政。布朗基和当时的空想社会主义者一样,对资本主义进行了揭露和批判,却不能阐明资本主义剥削的本质,甚至把资本主义的缺点归之于不等价交换、特别是高利贷的罪恶,从而陷入了和蒲鲁东同样的错误之中(王文超,1981:76)。他的主要著作有《星体永恒论》(1871)。 定义来源[1] 骆幼玲.布朗基与布朗基派[J].华南师范大学学报,1984(4). 例句1. 所以我又不得不指出,这是马克思经济学研究中的一种哲学解悟。通过《布鲁塞尔笔记》A的前期研究,马克思最大的收获就是看到了西方经济发展史的整体,以及这种与经济发展的每一个具体时段相适应的政治经济学理论,因为,这是马克思在《布鲁塞尔笔记》A中摘录麦克库洛赫的《论政治经济学的起源、发展、特殊对象和重要性》、佩基奧的《意大利政治经济学史》、加尼耳的《政治经济学的各种体系比较研究》、布朗基的《欧洲政治经济学从古代到现代的发展》等书的主要线索。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:337 1. So I must point out that this is a philosophical realization that took place in the course of Marx’s economic studies. Through the early research conducted in Brussels Notes A, the greatest accomplishment for Marx was to see the developmental history of Western economics in its entirety, as well as the political economic theories that corresponded to each specific stage of economic development. This is because in Brussels Notes A Marx took excerpts of the main lines of thinking from McCulloch’s The Progress, Origins, and Objects of Political Economy, Pecchio’s The History of Italian Political Economy, Garnier’s Comparative Study of the Various Systems of Political Economy, and Blanqui’s The Development of European Political Economy from Ancient to Modern Times, etc. Because of this, in On List, Marx was able to understand that bourgeois political economy could only be a reflection of the economic realities of bourgeois society: “it only provides this social system with a corresponding theoretical expression. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 258. 2. 伯恩施坦的观点同马克思在《法兰西阶级斗争》中的观点几乎截然相反。在伯恩施坦看来,六月的日子搞的是毫无必要的冒险主义,他宁愿要路易·勃朗(Louis Blanc),不要布朗基(Blanqui);而且,这两人观点的对照蕴涵了1895年的一些教训。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:21 2. Bernstein took a view that was almost diametrically opposed to Marx’s view in The Class Struggles in France: For Bernstein, the June days were unnecessary adventurism and he preferred Louis Blanc to Blanqui; and this contrast contained lessons in 1895. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 24. 3. 法国的作家,象德罗兹、布朗基、罗西等先生用遵守“人道的”语言的礼节来证明他们比英国的经济学家们高明,从而得到天真的满足;如果他们责难李嘉图和他的学派言词刻薄,那是由于他们不乐意看到把现代经济关系赤裸裸地揭露,把资产阶级最大的秘密戳穿。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:94 3. French writers like MM. Droz, Blanqui, Rossi and others take an innocent satisfaction in proving their superiority over the English economists, by seeking to observe the etiquette of a “humanitarian” phraseology; if they reproach Ricardo and his school for their cynical language, it is because it annoys them to see economic relations exposed in all their crudity, to see the mysteries of the bourgeoisie unmasked. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 125. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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