字词 | 工资控制 |
释义 | 工资控制【英】wage controls译文来源Price and Wage Controls. via: 定义工资控制指中央政府实行工资管理企图阻止工资扩张而采取的稳定性措施。在发生全国性紧急状况时,如美国在二战和朝鲜战争期间,正常经济关系遭到严重破坏,政府被迫对工资实行控制,防止通货膨胀。控制工资的方法一般是在一定时期内冻结工资,在此期间工资变动必须得到政府批准。冻结工资期间,为消除不公平现象和抵消生活费用的上涨,允许进行工资调整。美国工资控制最严格的是二战期间,当时成立了全国战时劳工委员会来解决工资纠纷和稳定工资,并成立了经济稳定局来调整工资和管理物价。劳工委员会一直到二战结束才撤销,其间共处理了46万份增加工资的申请,使2900万工人提高了工资。从1971年8月15日开始,美国为遏制通货膨胀,冻结工资90天,1971年11月13日以后,工资委员会力图使工资增长率每年不超过5.5%。(刘伟等,1994:22)我国自1996年起实行工资控制线办法。实施工资控制线办法的实质和目的是“限高”,即限制水平过高,增速过快的行业、企业的工资收入,对一些收入过高的行业、企业实行保持存量、控制增量的方针,使其实发工资增速低于全国平均增速。对国有垄断行业和企业实施工资控制线办法,尽管仍属于直接管理的范畴,但它是国际上通行的做法。工资控制线办法是对职工工资水平偏高、增长过快的行业、企业采取的一种阶段性从紧控制工资总额增长的具体措施。它的主要内容是:控制职工工资水平偏高、增长过快的行业的工资发放;对部分行业(部门)、企业工资总额发放增长速度实行上限控制;调节行业、企业职工工资水平,逐步协调工资分配关系,缓解分配不公。(康士勇等,1998:122-123) 定义来源[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 但在与伯恩施坦的争论中,他还是坚持认为,虽然更多地使用机器必然带来生产的增长,然而由于这种制度倾向于尽可能地压低工资,工人阶级的消费力却不会随之增长——结果是,资本家不能吸收剩余产品,而不得不越来越多地再行投资,最后的崩溃便是不可避免的了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:25 1. But in his argument with Bernstein he maintained that an increase in production was inevitable with the further introduction of machinery and that the consumption capacity of the working class would not rise concomitantly, since the system tended to depress wages as far as possible. The resulting surplus produce could not be absorbed by the capitalists, who had to reinvest more and more, and an eventual collapse was inevitable. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 28. 2. 固然个别特殊的利润可由商业来说明,“但商业却不能说明余额本身”,这个余额只有在交换中实现,但绝不是在交换中产生的,“每一个有产阶级的原有收入必然来自生产”。资本家与工人的交换“只有当他交换工人的劳动产品能够带来利润时,他才肯同他进行交换”。所以,当李嘉图在区分自然价格和市场价格时,就指出市场价格的偶然性,同时他还说明,他是着眼于这些现象的本质和规律 —“自然价格、自然工资和自然利润”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:505 2. Although individual, special profits can be explained by commerce, “commerce cannot explain surplus itself.” This surplus only appears in exchange, but is not created in exchange: “The income of all propertied classes necessarily originates in production.” The exchange between capitalists and workers only takes place when the exchange of the product of the worker’s labor will bring a profit. Therefore, as Ricardo differentiates between natural prices and market prices, he points out that the element of chance affects market prices; at the same time, he also explains that he focuses on the essence and laws of these phenomena—“natural prices, natural wages, and natural profits.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 397. 3. 在马克思那里,劳动力作为特殊商品所具有的“价值”是资本家在雇佣交换中支付的工资,这个“价值”的基础并非鲍德里亚已经知道的18世纪以来出现的抽象劳动(工业生产中的社会一般劳动);而劳动力的使用价值也非鲍德里亚所定义的那个对所有人类主体都具有用性的具体劳动,而仅仅是对资本剥削有用的活劳动本身,这恰好是资本家要遮蔽的东西。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:213 3. To Marx, the “value” of labor power as a special commodity is the wage that the capitalist pay in the employment. This “value” is not based on what Baudrillard considers abstract labor (the general social labor of industrial societies) developed since the 18th century. The use value of labor power is neither what Baudrillard defines as the concrete labor useful for all the people; it only holds for the very living labor that is useful for capitalist exploitation, which is what the capitalist wants to cover. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 288. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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