

字词 工业资本


industrial capital


Lukàcs, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1971: 171.


工业资本(industrial capital)是产业资本的主要组成部分,即投在按资本主义方式经营的工业、矿业和交通运输业和建筑业等物质生产的部门。工业资本在广义上同产业资本通用。马克思指出:“就‘范畴’的意义来说,租地农场主和工厂主一样,也是工业资本家”(via: http://xuewen.cnki.net/searchentry.aspx?key=工业资本)。产业资本就是在资本的循环运动中,依次采取货币资本、生产资本和商品资本形式,接着又放弃这些形式,并在每一种形式中完成着相应职能的资本。产业资本的功能有两个,一是在生产过程中创造剩余价值,二是在流通过程中实现剩余价值。所以,产业资本决定着生产的资本主义性质。产业资本在循环过程中分别采取货币资本、生产资本和商品资本三种职能形式。第一,货币资本的职能是购买劳动力和生产资料,为生产剩余价值准备条件。第二,生产资本的职能是使劳动力和生产资料与资本主义生产方式相结合,在生产过程中生产出剩余价值。第三,商品资本的职能是通过商品的销售,实现包含在商品中的价值和剩余价值(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5406583-5644444.html)。


[1] via: http://xuewen.cnki.net/searchentry.aspx?key=工业资本
[2] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5406583-5644444.html


1. 至于这一过程在他眼中带有质的性质的外表,那末这种对质的强调只不过是为了不断提高他所面对的世界的合理化、机械化和数量化(例如,商业资本的统治就不同于工业资本的统治,不同于农业的资本主义化)。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:256

1. In so far as this process does acquire the semblance of a qualitative character, this goes no further than an aspiration towards the increased rationalization, mechanisation and quantification of the world confronting him. (See the distinction between the dominance of merchant’s capital and industrial capital, the capitalization of agriculture, etc.) -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 171.

2. 因为,由自由的劳动发展和客观“积累”而成的工业资本,是一种与过去那种“不动的地产”根本异质的东西,这就是不断发生变化和流动的财富——动产。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:228

2. This is because industrial capital formed from the development of free labor and objective “accumulation” is fundamentally distinct from past “immovable property” – this is continuously changing and flowing wealth, or, in other words, movable property. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 171.

3. 生存于工业资本制造出来的这种社会空间中,人与自然的存在都丧失了神秘感和诗意的光泽,这就是帕斯卡笔下沉默的金属和水泥的世界,在这里,所有的建筑和道路都是活着资本的商业逻辑布展与存在的,笔直宽敞的路面上,我们看不见一丝自然和人的本性痕迹。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:131-132

3. Living in this social space created by industrial capital, the existence of man and nature both lose their mystery and poetic luster. It is the silent world of metal and cement in Pascal’s words, where all the buildings and streets are designed and made according to capital’s commercial logic. In the straight and wide streets we see no trace of nature or human nature. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 188-189.


例句 1:
Through spatial analysis of industrial capitalist space, the alienation of rural social space and alienation of individual psychological space, finally the main cause of alienation in this novel will be given. Capitalists seek the maximization of profit through the production of space and the expansion of space under the process of urbanization and industrialization. This thesis also tries to provide a salutary warning for the rapid urbanization in China.

例句 2:
In the late 19th, with the beginning of high-speed development of industrial capitalism, social outlook also undergoes a rapid change. The widespread of “laissez-faire” and the rotten views of social Darwinism, extreme Individualism, Hedonism and Money on life and values make humanity become distorted. In politics, especially with overflow of “Political Parties Share System”, prevailing of “gift asylum”, spread of “raise money b





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