

字词 垄断利润


monopoly profits


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974:233.


获取垄断利润,是垄断资本主义生产的目的和决定性动机,是剩余价值规律在垄断资本主义阶段的表现形式。对垄断利润的追逐,一方面促使垄断组织不断更新技术,使生产进一步社会化;另一方面必然使帝国主义的各种矛盾日趋激化, 并在经济上人为地阻碍生产力的发展,引起停滞和腐朽的趋势(许征帆,1987: 729-730)。




1. 这种“过度 资本化”是预计到了将来的垄断利润的,正象美国的钢铁托拉斯预 计到将来的垄断利润,就购买愈来愈多的蕴藏铁矿的土地一样。果然,这个糖业托拉斯规定了垄断价格,获得了巨额的收入,竟能为“掺水”7倍的资本支付10%的股息,也就是为创办托拉斯时实际投入的资本支付将近£0%的股息!——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:368

1. This “over-capitalisation” anticipated the monopoly profits, in the same way as the United States Steel Corporation anticipates its monopoly profits in buying up as many iron ore fields as possible. In fact, the Sugar Trust set up monopoly prices, which secured it such profits that it could pay 10 percent dividend on capital “watered” sevenfold, or about 70 per cent on the capital actually invested at the time the trust was formed! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:233.

2. 4家最大的银行在发行有价证券方面享有不是相对的垄断权,而是 “绝对的垄断权”。事实上这是“大银行托拉斯,。垄断保证它们从发行证券获得垄断利润。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:369

2. Four of the most powerful banks enjoy, not a relative, but an “absolute monopoly” in the issue of bonds. In reality, this is a “trust of big banks”. And monopoly ensures monopoly profits from bond issues. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:233.

3. 第四,垄断是从殖民政策生长起来的。在殖民政策的无数“旧的”动机以外,金融资本又増加了争夺原料产地、争夺资本输出、争夺“势力范围”(即进行有利的交易、取得租让、取得垄断利润等等的范围)直到争夺一般经济领土的动机。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:435

3. Fourthly, monopoly has grown out of colonial policy. To the numerous “old” motives of colonial policy, finance capital has added the struggle for the sources of raw materials, for the export of capital, for spheres of influence, i.e., for spheres for profitable deals, concessions, monopoly profits and so on, economic territory in general. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974:299.


例句 1:
The economic situation in China has entered a slow-growth period, industry profits dropped sharply. But on the other hand, the banking sector which represents many of the state-owned enterprises who original grasp the lifeline of the national economy and control the national economy, gained high monopoly profit, which is in great contrast to the overall economic down turn.

例句 2:
Part of the state-owned monopoly industries by virtue of the monopoly conferred by the state, through tree or low-cost access to state resources, or through exclusive monopoly, obtained the huge monopoly profits.

例句 3:
以塔洛克四边形的形式而存在的垄断利润未必一定导致非生产性寻利活动。如果垄断的原因不是行政因素, 而是有利的成本结构或者专利技术等等, 那么导致的将不是寻租这样的非生产性寻利活动, 而是努力降低成本和潜心发明创造这样的生产性寻利活动。——“垄断利润与寻租行为:塔洛克四边形及行政垄断的社会成本”,载于《河北经贸大学学报》,2007年第4期
The monopoly profit in the form of Tullock rectangle does not necessarily lead to non- productive profit- seeking behaviors. If the cause of monopoly is not administrative factors but profitable cost structure or patented technologies, the result will no





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