

字词 国民体系


national system


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 217.


《政治经济学的国民体系》是德国历史学派主要代表人物李斯特(Friedrich List,1789-1846)的主要著作,也是经济学说史上的重要著作之一,出版于1841年。在书中,作者从国民性入手,通过对历史的研究,提出了生产力理论和国家经济学理论,李斯特针对亚当·斯密、李嘉图的价值理论提出的生产力理论认为,生产力比财富本身要重要得多,因为生产力的发展是一国工业是否能获得发展的重要标志。按照价值理论,花钱购买别国生产的费用较低的商品比自己生产更合算、更有利,但这只是一种表面现象,其结果将是本国工业生产力得不到发展,从而使本国长期处于落后和从属于外国的地位。李斯特从其生产力理论出发,提出了一系列包括保护关税在内的发展生产力的建议。为了加速发展德国的生产力,他主张国家干预经济,认为这是必不可少的条件;指出古典学派的自由贸易理论是一种世界主义经济学,它抹杀了各国不同的经济发展水平和历史特点,因此李斯特提出了国家经济学概念。他把各国的经济发展分成5个阶段:原始未开化时期、畜牧时期、农业时期、农工业时期和农工商业时期。李斯特认为,当一国处于工业发展初期时,国家必须采取一些保护性的政策措施来扶持民族工商业的发展,而其中最重要的就是保护关税政策,保护关税政策起初会使工业品价格上升,但能使生产力发展,一定时期后,商品的生产费用就会下降,甚至低于外国商品价格。因此,只有每一个国家都达到了它们可能达到的阶段,并“有一个包括一切国家在内的世界联盟作为持久和平的保证”时,国际间的自由竞争才对一切国家有利。




1. 至于杜林先生论重商主义的一章,那末最好是读“原著”,即读弗·李斯特的《国民体系》第二十九章《被学派误称为重商主义体系的产业体系》。杜林先生在这里又如何谨慎地避免任何“博学的外表”,这可以由下面的话表现出来:李斯特在第二十八章《意大利国民经济学家》里说道:“无论在政治经济学的实际应用上还是在理论上,意大利都超过一切现代国家”。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:252

1. It would be better to read Herr Dühring's chapter on mercantilism in the "original", that is, in F. List's Nationales System, Chapter 29: "The Industrial System, Incorrectly Called the Mercantile System by the School". How carefully Herr Dühring manages to avoid here too any "semblance of erudition" is shown by the following passage, among others: List, Chapter 28: "The Italian Political Economists", says: "Italy was in advance of all modern nations both in the practice and in the theory of political economy". -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 217.

2. 赫茨是一个什么样的理论家呢?这一点只要举出一个例子就可以说明。我们看到,他那本书开头的一节用了一个了不起的标题,叫作《民族资本主义的概念》。赫茨只是想给资本主义下个定义。他写道,“我们当然可以把它描述成为这样一种国民经济体系,这种体系的法律基础是彻底实现了的人身自由和财产自由的原 则,它的技术基础是广泛规模的〈大规模的?〉生产,它的社会基础是生产资料同直接生产者的分离,它的政治基础是资本家依靠唯一的财产分配的经济基础而掌握中央政权(国家的集中的政治力量)。”——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:125

2. It will suffice to cite but a single example to show the sort of theoretician Hertz is. At the very beginning of his book we find a paragraph under the pretentious heading, “The Concept of National Capitalism”. Hertz wants nothing more nor less than to present a definition of capitalism. He writes: “We can, of course, characterise it as a system of national economy which rests juridically on the completely applied principles of freedom of the person and of property, technically on production on a wide [large?] scale, socially on the alienation of the means of production from the direct producers, politically on the possession by the capitalists of the central political power [the concentrated political power of the state?]…solely on the economic basis of the distribution of property” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 146.


例句 1:
This paper employs the orthodoxy Techno-economic paradigm theory of evolutionary economics,and brings the currently emerging “new industrial revolution” back into a two centuries global industrialization and proposes that the “new industrial revolution” would be grounded on established theory by analyzing the co-evolution of core components of in the shift of techno-economic paradigms. The “new industrial revolution” is likely to be an extension period of the 6th techno-economic paradigm (or the 6th Kondratiev long wave) and introduces revolutional changes as follows:data would be a new core input;the significance of communication infrastructure based on new internet technology would exceed traffic infrastructure,and the intelligent manufacturing based on data and new communication infrastructure is going to build a smart national system.As a consequence,the dominating mass production model is challenged by emerging mass customization and social production..

例句 2:





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