字词 | 同质性 |
释义 | 同质性【英】homogeneity; homogeneous (adj.)译文来源Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 68. 定义“同质性”是与“异质性”相互对应的概念。通常出现在胡塞尔对意识发生的被动综合分析中,胡塞尔用它们来标识在被动综合过程中意义领域的统一与差异。与“同质性”基本同义的是“相似性”,而“异质性”则被包含在“陌生性”(Fremdheit)的概念之中。同质性意味着在被动的先被给予性领域中一个自为统一的意义领域。意识之所以能够意识到一个凸现的个别之物,例如在白色背景上的一个红点,乃是因为这个红点与不同于它的背景形成对照。这个红点自身是“同质的”,而不同于这个红点的白色背景则相对具有“异质性”(倪梁康,2007:216)。 定义来源倪梁康.胡塞尔现象学概念通释[M].生活·读书·新知三联书店,2007. 例句1. 工人运动的事业本身应该被视为神圣不可侵犯的和至高无上的。这样一些评价依靠的是一系列到20世纪80年代末在里根主义和撒切尔主义之后变得非常可疑的假设:工人运动具有一种明显的同质性;在发达的技术社会中,工人运动仍然具有在以前重工业社会中所具有的许多特征,工人与雇主之间仍然存在一种类似的关系;有一种工人阶级意识有待激活——尽管经常处于一种潜在的形式中;阶级斗争本质上具有与马克思的时代一样的特征。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:107 1. The cause of the labour movement itself is taken to be sacrosanct – and paramount. Such assessments depend on a network of assumptions which are becoming very questionable by the late 1980s in the aftermath of Reaganism and Thatcherism: that the labour movement has a recognisable homogeneity; that the labour movement has much the same character in an advanced technological society that it had in previous heavy industry-based ones, as well as a similar relationship to its employers; that there is a working-class consciousness waiting to be activated – even if it is often to be found in a latent form; that the class struggle has essentially the same parameters as in Marx’s day. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 68. 2. 人们不必过于夸大后马克思主义者对《历史与阶级意识》的偏好:卢卡奇坚持一种对工人阶级的历史角色的不可动摇的信仰,展现了一种总体性的世界观。工人阶级被看做是惟一将会推翻资本主义的同质性实体,而阶级意识是推翻资本主义的关键——在共产党的领导下。卢卡奇或许没有把历史视为一个确定的过程,但是,他无疑认为它可以是一个被操纵的总体。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:119 2. One must not overstate the post-Marxist leanings of History and Class Consciousness: Lukács maintains an unshakeable belief in the historic role of the working class, as well as displaying a totalising world-view. The working class is regarded as a homogeneous entity uniquely placed to bring about the overthrow of capitalism, and class consciousness the key to bringing this about – under the guidance of the communist party. Lukács may not consider history a deterministic process, but he is in no doubt that it can be manipulated as a totality. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 76. 3. 伯恩施坦在1898年《社会主义问题》中写道“虽然社会灾难无疑能够、也无疑会极大地加速发展过程,但它们决不能在一夜之间创造出同质性的关系,这种关系的同质性对于经济的同步改造是必要的,但至少到今天还不具备。”就这样,伯恩施坦拒绝采取任何革命手段来解决政治问题:既然实现社会主义的经济先决条件还没有真正具备,那么政治斗争应当是为开创民主而展开的一种渐进的斗争(“民主”,在伯恩施坦看来,是这样一种社会“在那个社会中,没有一个阶级享有与全社会相对抗的政治特权”),一种阶级均衡的制度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:27 3. In his Probleme des Sozialismus (‘Problems of Socialism’) of 1898, Bernstein wrote: ‘Although no doubt social catastrophes could and no doubt also would very much hasten the process of development, they could still never create overnight the homogeneity of relationships that would be necessary for a simultaneous transformation of economics and today at least are not yet present.’ This was Bernstein’s case for a rejection of any revolutionary approach to politics: the economic prerequisites for socialism were just not there. Thus the political struggle should be a gradual one for the inauguration of democracy--by which Bernstein meant a society ‘where no one class possesses political privilege that is opposed to the whole community--a kind of system of class equilibrium. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 31-32. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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