

字词 合题




[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:514.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 375.


“合题”是关于发展过程的逻辑公式的一个阶段。古希腊新柏拉图主义哲学家如普罗克洛(411—485)认为万物的发展都可分为停留、前进、回复三个阶段,这里的“回复”近似于’合题”。在德国古典哲学家黑格尔这里,“合题”是事物发展过程的三段式的最后一个阶段,三段式是其建立思辩哲学体系所使用的一个公式。黑格尔认为,一切发展过程都可分为三个有机联系的阶段:正题、反题、合题,即肯定、否定、否定之否定。正题是发展的起点,是潜藏着对立面的原始的同一;反题是对正题的否定,是潜藏着的对立面的显现和分化;合题则是对反题的否定,是正反两个阶段某些特点或积极因素在新的或更高基础上的统一。反题否定正题,合题否定反题,合题是否定之否定。这一公式的合理因素,是黑格尔在概念的辩证法中猜测到了事物从低级到高级发展的辩证法,但它是建立在思辩唯心主义的基础之上的(合题.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006134137&d=249481F2C8D75C6432839190CD35C8AC)。




1. 构成价值是一个合题,功用与交换由此密切结合在一起,成为综合价值或社会价值,即真正的价值。价值是通过它在供与求之间的一种连续的摇摆现象而达到的一种绝对的经济规律。就这样,蒲鲁东自认为进行了有史以来政治经济学领域中的最伟大的革命。我觉得,此时的马克思肯定是感到哭笑不得的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:478-479

1. Constituted value is a synthesis, the close combination of use and exchange, becoming the totality of value or social value: true value. Value is an absolute economic law attained through the continual oscillation between supply and demand. Thus Proudhon believes that he has achieved the greatest revolution in the history of political economy. I believe that at this point in his reading, Marx must not have known whether to laugh or cry. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 375.

2. 每个阶段都有其完全独特的斗争情势和直接的攻击目标、每个阶段都可以说是一个总的战役中的一次战斗。不研究每次战斗的具体情况,就丝毫不能了解我们的斗争。研究了这一点,我们就会明显地看出,发展确实是按着辩证的道路,矛盾的道路行进的、少数变成多数,多数变成少数、各方时而转守为攻,时而转攻为守、思想斗争的出发点(党章第1条)“被否定”,让位给充斥一切的无谓争吵,但以后就开始“否定的否定”,我们在各占一个中央机关的情况下勉强同上帝赐予的妻子“和睦相处”,又回到纯思想斗争的出发点上来,但是这个“正题”已由“反题”的一切成果所充实,变成了高一级的合题,这时在党章第1条问题上的孤立的偶然的错误己经发展成为组织问题上的机会主义观点的所谓体系,这时这种现象同我们党的分成革命派和机会主义派这种根本划分的联系己经愈来愈清晰地呈现在大家面前。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:411-412

2. In each of these stages the circumstances of the struggle and the immediate object of the attack are materially different; each stage is, as it were, a separate battle in one general military campaign. Our struggle cannot be understood at all unless the concrete circumstances of each battle are studied. But once that is done, we see clearly that development does indeed proceed dialectically, by way of contradictions: the minority becomes the majority, and the majority becomes the minority; each side passes from the defensive to the offensive, and from the offensive to the defensive; the starting-point of ideological struggle (Paragraph 1) is “negated” and gives place to an all-pervading squabble; but then begins “the negation of the negation”, and, having just about managed to “rub along” with our god-given wife on different central bodies, we return to the starting-point, the purely ideological struggle; but by now this “thesis” has been enriched by all the results of the “antithesis” and has become a higher synthesis, in which the isolated, random error over Paragraph 1 has grown into a quasi-system of opportunist views on matters of organisation, and in which the connection between this fact and the basic division of our Party into a revolutionary and an opportunist wing becomes increasingly apparent to all. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 408-409.

3. 假如在黑格尔主义方面我们具有蒲鲁东先生那种大无畏精神,我们就会说,理性在自身中把自己和自身区分开来。这是什么意思呢?因为无人身的理性在自身之外既没有可以安置自己的地盘,又没有可与自己对置的客体,也没有自己可与之结合的主体,所以它只得把自己颠来倒去:安置自己,把自己跟自己对置起来,自己跟自己结合——安置、对置、结合。用希腊语来说,这就是:正题、反题、合题。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:140

3. If we had M. Proudhon’s intrepidity in the matter of Hegelianism we should say: it is distinguished in itself from itself. What does this mean? Impersonal reason, having outside itself neither a base on which it can pose itself, nor an object to which it can oppose itself, nor a subject with which it can compose itself, is forced to turn head over heels, in posing itself, opposing itself and composing itself—position, opposition, composition. Or, to speak Greek—we have thesis, antithesis and synthesis. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 162-163.


例句 1:
To break the supremacy of power led to the ability and justice of the plight of that separation, it is necessary to remove the power-based, and the ability to establish a fair idea of the traditional “pyramid” of transforming the social structure of the market economy, public service-oriented government and civil society Role of the “three-dimensional checks and balances” of the civil society structures.

例句 2:
So unity of them is a main solicitude since the Romantic regards it as mission. Hegel and Marx’s dialectic are two different syntheses in this respect.

例句 3:
As a primary institutional value, a meta-norm and a principle of value adjustment, justice is both a contemporary solution to the contradiction between freedom and equality and a synthesis of the two.





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