

字词 历史性生存


historical subsistence; historical existence


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 331-333,.


西方传统本体论哲学以近代科学精神来构思,它以物的逻辑理解人,把人理解为抽象的人。而马克思哲学将人还原到“现实的人”,还原到处于一定社会关系和历史条件下的具有社会性、历史性的现实的个人。人的生存方式不是由物种本能决定的,而是历史地生成的,人没有固定的生存方式,始终在通过自己的历史性活动中自己选择自己、自己创造自己、自己实现自己。这决定了人只能在历史的可能性中生存,历史是人的可能性的空间,也是人的可能性的时间(刘福森,2007:25-27)。“现实的人”的社会历史性生存是马克思生存论的逻辑起点和最终归宿, 贯穿着为人类谋求幸福生存的哲学理想,充分体现了马克思对现实的人的关怀(余跃琼,2007:27)。


[1] 吴宏政.历史生存论的观念[M].吉林人民出版社,2008.
[2] 孙秀云.马克思历史生存论的辩证逻辑[J].学术交流,2009(09).
[3] 刘福森.从本体论到生存论——马克思实现哲学变革的实质[J].吉林大学社会科学学报,2007(3).
[4] 余跃琼.“现实的人”的社会历史性生存——马克思生存论的逻辑起点和归宿[J].和田师范专科学校学报,2007(6).


1. 如果说在第一手稿中马克思是从客观的社会总体来确定人类(“人们”)的历史性生存,那么马克思在重写的第四手稿中则转换了一种角度,即从人类个体(“现实的个人”)的视角再一次对历史进行一般的逻辑建构。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:426

1. Where Marx in the first manuscript confirms mankind’s (“people’s”) historical existence using the objective social totality, he changes perspective in the rewritten fourth manuscript, conducting a general logical construction of history for the first time from the perspective of human individuals (“individuals in reality”). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 331.

2. 以实践唯物主义为基本立场,对一定的社会历史阶段的具体的历史的现实的社会关系的研究,特别是对科学的历史性生存的“本体”性规定的思考,成为马克思恩格斯哲学关注的理论焦点。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:20

2. Based on practical materialism, Marxism’s theoretical focal point became research on the real, specific, historical, social relationships in a given social-historical period. He especially meditated on the scientific ontological qualifications of historical existence. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxxvi.

3. 显而易见,马克思所说的历史性生存绝不是简单的单向性的持续性时间,而是一种将过去扬弃在自身内部,同时创造现在走向未来的历史时间。我注意到,后来海德格尔的时间概念正是从这个意义上生长起来的,而萨特的《辩证理性批判》一书似乎就是在讨论这个一定历史条件下个人的创造性生存问题。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:428

3. It is evident that the historical subsistence of which Marx speaks is not simple linear continuous time, but rather a historical time that sublates the past into itself, while simultaneously creating the present and moving towards the future. I have observed that Heidegger's concept of time was born from Marx's conception of Sartre’s Critique of the Dialectical Reason also seems to discuss the issue of man's creative subsistence under certain conditions of history. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 332-333.


例句 1:
Marx's philosophy as a theory of historical existentialism expounds “dialectical logic” of mankind historic existence. This dialectical logic indicates that mankind started from seeking primary freedom of categorical essence, and then experienced dual alienations (in spirit and economy) under private ownership of capitalist system, finally realized the return of freedom nature through carrying out or discarding private assets that is human emancipation of communism. Historical existentialism is Marxist philosophical rethinking of “dialectical logic” that is followed by mankind historic existence.

例句 2:
Through this “triple criticism”, Marx initially declared the materialist basis of his historical view, created the social development theory, and revealed the historical survival of the realistic body. All of these pioneered a new way for understanding the social development.





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