

字词 半无产阶级




[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 62.
[2] semi-proletariat. via: http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/semi-proletariat




[1] 顾龙生.毛泽东经济思想引论[M].山西经济出版社,1992.
[2] 王邦佐.政治学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.
[3] 许涤新.政治经济学辞典(中)[Z].人民出版社,1980.


1. 对我国革命的估计问题决不只有理论意义,而且有最直接的现实意义。我们的整个宣传、鼓动和组织工作现在同最广大的工人阶级和半无产阶级居民群众掌握伟大的三年的教训的过程有密切联系。我们现在不能只是空洞地说(按波兰社会党“左派”56第十次代表大会决议的精神),根据现有材料目前还不能确定,我们面临的究竟是革命爆发的道路,还是长期地。缓慢地小步前进的道路。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:41

1. The question of evaluating our revolution is important not only not only theoretically but any means. It is important directly, practically, in the everyday sense. All our work of propaganda, agitation and organization is indissolubly bound up at the present time with the process of the assimilation of the lessons of these three great years by the widest mass of the working class and the semi-proletarian population. We cannot now confine ourselves to the bare statement (in spirit of the resolution adopted by the Tenth Congress of the P.S.P. Left wing) that the data available do not allow us to determine at present whether it is the path of revolutionary explosion or the path of long, slow, tiny steps forward that lies ahead of us. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Work (Vol. 15), 1977: 61-62.

2. 当然,目前时期的运动远没有达到1905年那样的全民规模。可见,现在的革命高潮一开头就比第一次革命前夕不知高出多少。可见,未来的第二次革命现在就已显示出在无产阶级中蕴藏着雄厚得多的革命潜力。无产阶级的人数至少增加了20%。无产阶级更加集中了。纯无产阶级的基本的运动支柱,由于加速摆脱同土地的联系而加强了。“手工业”和农业中的无产阶级和半无产阶级群众的人数大大增多了,而这是无法统计的。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:302

2. The national scale of the movement at present is, of course, mush smaller than in 1905. Consequently, the beginning of the revolutionary upswing is incomparably higher today than it as before the first revolution. Consequently, the coming second revolution even now reveals a much greater store of revolutionary energy in the proletariat. The proletariat has grown in numbers-by a minimum of 20 percent. Its concentration has increased. The purely proletarian mainstay of the movement has become stronger due to accelerated dissociation from the land. The size of the proletarian and semi-proletarian population in “domestic” industry, handicrafts and agriculture has grown to an enormous extent defying calculation. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Work (Vol. 15), 1977: 471-472.

3. 在俄国所有地方,为各行各业和各个阶层的无产阶级和半无产阶级群众,或者用经济上不大确切但比较通俗的话来说,为全体被剥削劳动群众建立这一类组织,是一项头等重要、刻不容缓的任务。我们这里先提一下,对于全体农民群众,我们党(关于它在新型的无产阶级组织中的特殊作用,我希望在以后的一封信中谈一谈)应当特别建议单独成立雇佣工人的苏维埃以及不出售粮食的小农的苏维埃,与富裕农民分开,因为没有这个条件,一般来说,就既不可能执行真正的无产阶级政策,也不可能正确处理关系到千百万人生存的极重要的实际问题,即正确地分配粮食和增加粮食生产等问题。——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:37

3. The prime and most important task, and one that brooks no delay, is to set up organisations of this kind in all parts of Russia without exception, for all trades and strata of the proletarian and semi-proletarian population without exception, i.e., for all the working and exploited people, to use a less economically exact but more popular term. Running ahead somewhat, I shall mention that for the entire mass of the peasantry our Party (its special role in the new type of proletarian organisations I hope to discuss in one of my next letters) should especially recommend Soviets of wage-workers and Soviets of small tillers who do not sell grain, to be formed separately from the well-to-do peasants. Without this, it will be impossible either to conduct a truly proletarian policy in general, or correctly to approach the extremely important practical question which is a matter of life and death for millions of people: the proper distribution of grain, increasing its production, etc. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Work (Vol. 15), 1977: 324.


例句 1:
Rural Bachelorsphenomenon was fully discussed by many researchers, which, however, almost none of them paid attention to the relationship between the formation mechanism of rural bachelors and current urbanization of china. Based on the field work in B village in HuBei province, this paper pointed out that urbanization plays an important role in the formation of rural bachelors. There are fourth reasons supporting my opinion at least: First, owing to the dual promotion of system and capital, although the farmers can work in city, but they lack opportunity and ability to settle down, thus reducing its competitiveness in marriage-market; Along with the urbanization of labor migration, rural community are declined, becoming the “thrust” to get and maintain the marriage; “the semi proletariat” or “proletariat unfinished” split and dismembered the rural families, so that both husband and wife becomes a bachelor; under the urbanization n





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