

字词 农奴主 

农奴主 【英】

feudal lord; serf owner


[1]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 476.
[3]Serfdom in Russia. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Russia






1. 在历史上继这种形式之后的是另一种形式,即农奴制。在绝大多数国家里,奴隶制发展成了农奴制。这时社会基本上分为农奴主— 地主和农奴制农民。人与人的关系的形式改变了。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:64

1. This form was followed in history by another—feudalism. In the great majority of countries slavery in the course of its development evolved into serfdom. The fundamental division of society was now into feudal lords and peasant serfs. The form of relations between people changed. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 476.

2. 农奴制农民仍然遭受阶级压迫,处于依附地位,但农奴主-地主不能把农民当作物品来占有了,而只有权占有农民的劳动,有权强迫农民尽某种义务。其实,大家知道,农奴制,特别是在俄国维持得最久、表现得最粗暴的农奴制,同奴隶制并没有什么区别。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:64

2. As far as the peasant serf was concerned, class oppression and dependence remained, but it was not considered that the feudal lord owned the peasants as chattels, but that he was only entitled to their labour, to the obligatory performance of certain services. In practice, as you know, serfdom, especially in Russia where it survived longest of all and assumed the crudest forms, in no way differed from slavery. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 476.

3. 在中世纪,农奴制占优势。当时的国家形式也是多样的,既有君主制也有共和制(虽然远不如前者明显),但始终只有地主-农奴主才被认为是统治者。农奴制农民根本没有任何政治权利。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:69

3. In the Middle Ages feudalism predominated. And here too the forms of state varied, here too we find both the monarchy and the republic, although the latter was much more weakly expressed. But always the feudal lord was regarded as the only ruler. The peasant serfs were deprived of absolutely all political rights. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 481.


例句 1:
After Tibet peace liberation, Dalai Lama Tibet upper Serf owners launched the rebellion in order to maintain the Feudal serf control system. Dalai escaped to India after the rebellion failure. Dalai betray his county.

例句 2:
For one thing, the Tibetan people have to hear the corresponding taxes and labor work. For another thing, the serf owners and the central dynasty have made the Tribute economic relations which opened the way for serf owners to obtain economic rights and strength by political contacts.

例句 3:
The external shape of Dai lords system economic of Xishuangbanna was the rural commune. But it was alienated completely a kind of tool that defended the economical leadership of lords.





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