

字词 再生产




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 136.


再生产是指连续不断、周而复始、不断更新的生产过程。再生产首先是物质资料的再生产,在物质资料的再生产中不断再生产出用于生产消费的生产资料和用于生活消费的消费资料。再生产又是劳动力的再生产,通过消费各种消费资料再生产出劳动者的劳动能力。再生产也是生产关系的再生产,在再生产过程中,人们不断结成既定的生产关系(via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%86%8D%E7%94%9F%E4%BA%A7)。再生产可以分为个别再生产和社会再生产。个别再生产是指单个生产者或生产单位的再生产,社会再生产是指由互相联系、互相交错、互为条件的各生产单位的再生产的总和。社会再生产包括生产、分配、交换、消费四个环节。它们在再生产过程中发挥各自的不同的功能,生产决定分配、交换和消费,分配、交换和消费对生产又有着反作用。社会再生产按规模又可以分为简单再生产和扩大再生产。简单再生产指生产在原有规模上重复进行,扩大再生产指生产在超过原有基础的扩大的规模上进行,简单再生产是扩大再生产的基础和现实要素。


via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%86%8D%E7%94%9F%E4%BA%A7


1. 巴雷特关注的是父权制、再生产和意识形态等概念,因为这些概念不仅是马克思主义的女性主义分析的核心,而且还成功地突出了马克思主义的女性主义的一些更有争议的方面。就父权制而言,她批判了激进女性主义的生物决定论倾向,因为这否定了改变的可能性:这是一种倒退,因为强调生育生物学在男性统治形成中的因果作用,这威胁到了女性主义跨文化研究早期的一个成功,即确定作为生物学范畴的性别与作为社会范畴的性别之间的区别。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:213

1. Barrett concentrates on the concepts of patriarchy, reproduction and ideology, on the grounds that these are both central to Marxist feminist analysis and also succeed in foregrounding some of the more controversial aspects of the Marxist feminist project. As far as patriarchy goes she is critical of the radical feminist tendency towards biological reductionism, since this denies the possibility of change: It is regressive in that one of the early triumphs of feminist cross-cultural work–the establishment of a distinction between sex as a biological category and gender as a social one–is itself threatened by an emphasis on the causal role of procreative biology in the construction of male domination. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 136.

2. 所谓没有保障、不稳固等等,这又是我们谈到国外市场时评论过的陈词滥调。这种攻击也暴露出,这位浪漫主义者所胆怯地谴责的,正是科学理论认为是资本主义最重要的东西:资本主义所固有的发展趋向,不可遏止的前进趋向,它不能停滞不前,或者说它不能用原有的规模来再生产经济过程。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:182-283

2. As regards insecurity and instability, and so forth, that is the same old song we dealt with when discussing the foreign market. Attacks of this kind betray the romanticist who fearfully condemns precisely that which scientific theory values most in capitalism: its inherent striving for development, its irresistible urge onwards, its inability to halt or to reproduce the economic processes in their former, rigid dimensions. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1974: 214.

3. 20世纪20年代重新掀起了一场关于马克思的资本再生产和一般积累的模式的争论,当时亨利克·格罗斯曼(Henryk Grossmann)把强调的重心转向生产领域而不是流通领域,并声称利润率下降将导致积累的枯竭。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:180

3. The debate on Marx’s models for the reproduction of capital and accumulation in general was renewed in the 1920s when Henryk Grossmann changed the emphasis to the sphere of production rather than circulation and claimed that the falling rate of profit would lead to the end of accumulation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 188.


例句 1:
he coordinated development’s thought of two major categories formed in the mid-19th century ,is a core part of the Marxist theory of reproduction of the total social capital .This thought was based on capitalism actual production ,Mars studied the social reproduction movement in depth, reveals the general movement of human social reproduction.

例句 2:
In addition to the classical economics theory of value, the French Physiocrats' and the England classical economics' theories about the process of the capitalism reproduction and circulation became the important theory source for Marx's theory of social reproduction.

例句 3:
Social capital reproduction theory is important in Marx’s economic theory. It reveals the general rule of capitalism, market economy and socialization production. Many principles of the theory are validated by the practice, especially by the





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