

字词 全民国家  

全民国家  【英】

the state of the whole people


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 160.






1. 然而,由于1964年赫鲁晓夫垮台,伴随着对和平共存的强调力度的减弱,出现了对斯大林的比较肯定的态度。这种情况的变化就反映在1967年出版的政治基础教科书《科学共产主义原理》中。在国际舞台上还同时(在入侵捷克斯洛伐克前后)出现了勃列日涅夫的“有限主权论”。“有限主权论”包含这样一些观点:通往社会主义的道路不能是不同的、保卫社会主义是整个世界社会主义体系的事情,以及把无产阶级在一国专政的观念改为无产阶级国际专政的观念。代替1936 年斯大林宪法的新宪法在1961年就己决定通过,但直到1977年才公布。新宪法加强了党的权力——把党的总书记和国家主席的职位集于勃列日涅夫一身,但和二十二大保持一致的是,它放弃了“无产阶级专政”的提法,而代之以“全民国家”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:151

1. However, with the fall of Krushchev in 1964, a more positive attitude to Stalin began to emerge together with a lessening of the emphasis on peaceful coexistence. This was reflected in the basic political textbook Foundations of Scientific Communism, published in 1967. This was accompanied on the international scene by the appearance (about the time of the invasion of Czechoslovakia) of Brezhnev’s doctrine of ‘limited sovereignty’. This involved the idea that the paths towards socialism could not be all that different, that the defense of socialism was a matter for the world socialist system, and the transformation of the concept of national dictatorship of the proletariat into that of an international dictatorship. The new Constitution to replace the Stalin constitution of 1936 was decided on in 1961 but did not emerge until 1977. It reinforced the power of the Party- uniting both the General Secretaryship of the Party and the Presidency of the state in the person of Brezhnev- and in line with 22nd Congress, dropped talk of ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat’ in favour of the ‘state of the whole people’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 159-160.

2. 尽管这种资本主义的刻画常常只不过是一种责骂,但中国人想要表达的似乎是以下的意思:首先,斯大林以后的苏联已允许一个新的特权阶层存在。这个阶层由党的官员、公务员、知识分子等组成,这个阶层甚至被集合表述为“资产阶级专政”。这是由于恢复了作为衡量赢利率尺度的市场、物质刺激和悬殊的工资差别而得以可能。他们还在农村相应地鼓励自留地的存在。那些人还教条主义地断言阶级对立就要结束了(在这个过程中,生产关系同生产力的发展完全相适应),无产阶级专政结束了,剩下来的只有“全民国家”和“全民党”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:246

2. Although the description ‘capitalist’ often amounted to little more than a term of abuse, what the Chinese had in mind seems to be have been as follows. Firstly, a new privileged stratum had been allowed to emerge in post-Stalin Russia. It consisted of Party officials, civil servants, intellectuals, etc., who could even collectively be described as a ‘bourgeois dictatorship’. This had been made possible by the restoration of the market as a criterion of profitability, material incentives, and huge wage differentials. There had been accompanying encouragement of private plots in the countryside. Doctrinally, class antagonism was said to be at an end (in that the relations of production were completely in tune with the development of the productive forces), the dictatorship of the proletariat was over, and there existed a ‘state of whole people’ and ‘Party of the whole people’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 258-259.


例句 1:
We should always put the national sovereignty and security in the first place; Adapted to the construction and national security to consolidate national defense and powerful army; Stick to the rich and the motherland unifies; To adapt itself to the changing situation, sets up the new security concept; To strengthen the national security education, improve the consciousness of national security; To strengthen the team of political science and law, especially to strengthen the construction of the police force, strengthen the maintenance national security responsibilities.

例句 2:
民主社会主义发源于西欧,产生后不断向东传播和演化,东欧国家共产党首先出现了“社会党化”的现象,出现了“新马克思主义”;西欧、南欧等国家的社会党普遍信奉民主社会主义;在苏联产生了赫鲁晓夫、勃列日涅夫的“全民党”和“全民国家”,最后演变为戈尔巴乔夫的“人道的、民主的社会主义”。——《 民主社会主义理论与实践模式研究》,吉林大学博士学位论文,2013
Democratic socialism originated in Western Europe. Then, it spread and evolved constantly eastward. There first appeared in the communist parties of the Eastern European countries the phenomenon of "socialist party" and "new Marxism"; Socialist parties in Western Europe, Southern Europe and other countries believed in democratic socialism in common; Khrushchev, Brezhnev’s "a p





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