字词 | 俾斯麦 |
释义 | 俾斯麦【英】Otto von Bismarck; Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck译文来源Otto von Bismarck. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Bismarck 定义奥托·爱德华·利奥波德·冯·俾斯麦(1815年4月1日-1898年7月30日),德国政治家、军事家,是德意志帝国首任宰相(1871—1890年),人称“铁血宰相”、“德国的建筑师”、“德国的领航员”。俾斯麦靠“铁血政策”自上而下地统一了德国,还帮助法国凡尔赛政府镇压巴黎公社。他对内颁布《反社会党人非常法》,残酷镇压工人运动;对外力图运用联盟政策,确立德国在欧洲的霸权。1890年3月,俾斯麦被德皇威廉二世解职,1898年病逝。政治方面,俾斯麦是保守派,维护专制主义,但他建立了世界上最早的工人养老金、健康医疗保险制度、社会保险,使德国成为世界上第一个拥有劳工立法的国家。军事方面,俾斯麦并不是一个军事狂人,他认为战争只是一种达到目的的工具,武力的使用一定要慎重,而且必须服务于现实政治目的。外交方面,俾斯麦坚持国家利益至上,一切从国家利益出发,他认为共同的国家利益是国家之间联合在一起的有力纽带纵横捭阖,成为19世纪下半叶欧洲政治舞台上的风云人物(俾斯麦.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=S7Xb3EFFyBBMF6BPf3bycW8BIJu0O4h2osmPpXMDT9d8SPjszIC3jyjQi511ieB6jMaZSDf6zSLT6cUSCHcWWW1OieE461BQ_eFqa8vXxas37OZgp6p1lTxcPyp5d4FPhcvKidqbNoA7Jwc-v9O41BpIOcJL3r6cCgU_v0w5ysW - 2)。 定义来源俾斯麦.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=S7Xb3EFFyBBMF6BPf3bycW8BIJu0O4h2osmPpXMDT9d8SPjszIC3jyjQi511ieB6jMaZSDf6zSLT6cUSCHcWWW1OieE461BQ_eFqa8vXxas37OZgp6p1lTxcPyp5d4FPhcvKidqbNoA7Jwc-v9O41BpIOcJL3r6cCgU_v0w5ysW - 2 例句1. 目前的选举使德国各党派的地位发生了真正的革命。它真正开创了德国历史上的新时代。它意味着俾斯麦时代完结的开端。当前的局势就是这样。年轻的威廉由于自己颁布了关于劳工保护法和关于国际劳工保护会议的诏令,摆脱了他的老师俾斯麦的监护。俾斯麦认为,最明智的作法是给自己年轻的主子以充分的行动自由,并且安静地等待威廉二世连同他的拿手好戏——扮演工人之友——陷入窘境;那时候俾斯麦就会得到以deus ex machina的资格出面干预的良机。这一次俾斯麦没有对选举的进程表现出焦虑不安。一个当年轻的皇帝一察觉到自己的错误就要予以解散的不顺从的帝国国会,甚至会对俾斯麦有利,而社会党人的巨大成功可能帮助他在帝国国会解散的时刻到来时献给国家一个适当的选举口号。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷),1965:4 1. This election establishes a complete revolution in the state of parties in Germany. It will indeed inaugurate a new epoch in the history if that country. It marks the beginning of the end of the Bismarck period. The situation, at the present moment, is as follows. With his rescripts on labour legislation and international labour conferences, young Williams broke loose from his mentor Bismarck. The latter thought it prudent to give his young master plenty of rope, and to wait quietly until William II, had got himself into a mess with his hobby of playing the working man’s friend: then would be the time for Bismarck to step in as the deus ex machina. This time Bismarck did not care much how the election went; an unmanageable Reichstag, to be dissolved as soon as the young Emperor had found out his mistake, would be rather an advantage to Bismarck, and considerable Socialist success might help to prepare a good cry to go to the country with when the time for dissolution arrived. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 4. 2. 这样,皇帝和帝国国会之间很快就会发生冲突;角逐着的政党就会把发生的事情完全归咎于社会党人,一个新的选举口号就会应运而生,那时俾斯麦在给他的主子和元首一顿必要的教训之后,就会采取行动,解散帝国国会。但是俾斯麦以后会发现,情况已经变了。社会主义的工人变得比过去任何时候都更加坚强和果断了。俾斯麦从来都不能信赖贵族阶级;贵族一向把他当做真正保守主义的叛徒,并且准备一旦皇帝想摆开他,就把他甩掉。资产阶级是俾斯麦的主要支柱,但是它不再信任他。俾斯麦和皇帝之间的不大的家庭争吵成了众所周知的事。这次争吵说明俾斯麦已经不再是全能者,而皇帝也不保险不产生危险的怪念头。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷),1965:5 2. Thus, before long there will be a conflict with Emperor and Parliament; the Socialist will be accused, by all rival parties, with being the cause of it all; the new election cry will be there, ready made; and then Bismarck, having given the necessary lesson to his lord and master, will step in and dissolve. But then he will find that things have changed. The Socialist workmen will be stronger and more determined than ever. The aristocracy Bismarck never could rely on, they always considered him as a traitor to true Conservatism, and will be ready to throw his overboard as soon as the Emperor chooses to drop him. The middle class were his mainstay, but they have lost confidence in him. The little family quarrel between Bismarck and the Emperor has come to be publicly known. It has proved that Bismarck is no longer all-powerful, and that the Emperor is not proof against dangerous crotchets. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 5. 3. 1859年的战争也震惊了普鲁士。普鲁士几乎把军队增加了一倍,并且找了一个至少在完全不择手段这方面能跟俄国外交较量的人物执掌政权。这个人就是俾斯麦。在1863年波兰起义期间,他用一种做戏似的夸张的姿态站在俄国方面反对奥、法、英三国,竭尽全力保证俄国获胜。他以此使沙皇在什列斯维希——霍尔施坦问题上放弃了他通常采取的政策;经沙皇许可,这两个公国在1864年脱离了丹麦。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷),1965:46 3. The war f 1859 had alarmed Prussia also. She had nearly doubled her army, and had placed a man at the helm, who in one respect, at least, was a match for Russian diplomatists—in his utter difference as to what means he employed. This man was Bismarck. During the Polish insurrection of 1863, he, with theoretical ostentation, sided with Russia against Austria, France, and England, and did everything to help her to victory. This secured him, in 1864, the defection of the Tsar from his traditional policy in the Schleswig-Holstein Question; these Duchies were, with the permission of the Tsar, torn from Denmark. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 39. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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