字词 | 信息高速路 |
释义 | 信息高速路【英】information expressway译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/14/c_136282982.htm 例句1. 目前,以中巴、中蒙俄、新亚欧大陆桥等经济走廊为引领,以陆海空通道和信息高速路为骨架,以铁路、港口、管网等重大工程为依托,一个复合型的基础设施网络正在形成。--《习近平在“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的演讲》 1. Today, a multi-dimensional infrastructure network is taking shape, one that is underpinned by economic corridors such as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor and the New Eurasian Continental Bridge, featuring land-sea-air transportation routes and information expressway and supported by major railway, port and pipeline projects.--Quoted from President Xi's speech at opening of Belt and Road forum for International Cooperation |
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