

字词 信息技术


information technology




“信息技术(Information Technology,简称为IT)指的是利用现代通信与电子计算机等高科技手段来获取信息、传递信息、加工信息、存储信息、呈现信息、分配信息等的一类技术。”(钟贞,2016:37)它也常被称为信息和通信技术(Information and Communications Technology,ICT)。现代信息技术的发展经历了四个阶段:以计算机发展为依托的计算机技术阶段、以短距离无线电技术为依托的蓝牙技术阶段、以模拟人类感官为主要功能的虚拟现实技术阶段、以虚拟现实技术为基础的增强现实技术阶段。同时,在现代信息技术的发展过程中形成了四个主要技术,即控制技术、计算机技术、通信技术和传感技术。信息技术的发展前提是电子技术,微点子技术的进步对信息技术的进步尤其重要。我国的信息产业部将电信网、有线电视网和互联网作为我们国家的三大信息基础设施网络,相对应的,信息技术的主要应用领域也可以划分为网络技术、通信技术和电视技术。就我国而言,网络技术在电子政务、电子商务、网络远程教育等方面的应用较为广泛,通信技术主要运用于无线网络技术和宽带网。此外,传统的电信网、计算机网络和有线电视网经过多样化的方式相互融合渗透实现“三网融合”,这一目标已经成为信息业发展的趋势。




1. 信息技术、生物技术、新材料技术、新能源技术广泛渗透,带动几乎所有领域发生了以绿色、智能、泛在为特征的群体性技术革命。传统意义上的基础研究、应用研究、技术开发和产业化的边界日趋模糊,科技创新链条更加灵巧,技术更新和成果转化更加快捷,产业更新换代不断加快。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:119-120

1. Widespread diffusion of information, biological, new-material and alternative-energy technologies has brought about a green, intelligent and ubiquitous technological revolution. The boundaries between research into basic and applied sciences, technological development and industrialization in the traditional sense are becoming increasingly blurred. The chain of scientific and technological innovation has become more flexible, technology upgrading and conversion have become quicker, and industry upgrading continues to speed up. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 131-132.

2. 由于大数据、云计算、移动互联网等新一代信息技术同机器人技术相互融合步伐加快,3D打印、人工智能迅猛发展,制造机器人的软硬件技术日趋成熟,成本不断降低,性能不断提升,军用无人机、自动驾驶汽车、家政服务机器人已经成为现实,有的人工智能机器人已具有相当程度的自主思维和学习能力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:121

2. Hardware and software for producing robots are becoming increasingly mature, the production cost keeps dropping and the functions robots can perform are more diversified thanks to the integration between robot technology and the new generation of information technology, such as big data, cloud computing and the mobile Internet, and the rapid development of 3D printing and artificial intelligence. Military unmanned aerial vehicles, self-driving cars and home-service robots have been put into application. Some artificially intelligent robots have pretty sturdy self-thinking and learning. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 133.

3. 要制定全面的信息技术、网络技术研究发展战略,下大气力解决科研成果转化问题。要出台支持企业发展的政策,让他们成为技术创新主体,成为信息产业发展主体。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:198

3. We should formulate comprehensive research and development strategies for information and cyber technology, and make great efforts to turn research findings into practical applications. We should promulgate policies to support the development of enterprises, and encourage them to make technological innovations and become the main developers of the IT industry. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 220.


例句 1:
This dissertation, based on the fruits of the study concerning the impact on the social development by the current information technology and back grounded against the robust growth of current information technology therefore causing information  revolution, focuses on the method of production in a bid to analyze and state the influences on traditional productive force, production relation, modes of production and the law of production relation adapting to productive forces in both theory and practice. Therefore, this dissertation, aiming at the providence of the theoretical proof for our national socialist modernization drive, exerts practical summary and theoretical exploration on the contradiction of the modes of production between tradition and reality against the information technology, the development trend and the needed measures. The dissertation includes five parts.

例句 2:
The application of information technology in t





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