

字词 信仰


belief; faith


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1691.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 16.


信仰,指人们对某种理论、思想、主义、学说的信服或崇拜,并从内心以此作为自己行动的指南和精神的寄托。信仰是人类所特有的一种精神活动,它来源于人的社会实践,而又包含着人的心理过程,在心理上表现为对某一事物的向往、追求和仰慕, 在行动上表现为在这种精神力量的支配下去解释和改造客观世界。信仰可以分为有盲目信仰和科学信仰。盲目信仰是与科学知识相对立的范畴,两者的冲突在古希腊时期的宗教信仰和知识之间就已经发生。哲学史上对科学知识和盲目信仰之间的矛盾冲突的论述有很多,教父哲学认为神学的任务就是从理性的角度认识信仰所已经接受的东西,而科学家和伦理学家们则认为知识不能依赖于信仰,知识必须以实验和观察为基础,而不是圣经的词句。随着科学与社会的发展,现代西方一些学者们为宗教信仰进行辩护,主张把宗教和信仰和科学知识相结合起来。但这一观点遭到了马克思主义哲学的批判,马克思主义哲学认为,实践是检验真理的唯一标准,反对把科学知识与宗教信仰结合起来。科学信仰来自于自人们对自然界和人类社会发展规律的正确认识,以及科学的成就和人民群众实践的成功,能给人以可靠的鼓舞和力量。无产阶级对共产主义的信仰就是一种科学的信仰,因为其建立在对人类社会发展的客观规律的认识基础之上。“坚信自己的事业是正义的,坚信社会主义和共产主义一定能够实现,这是社会主义社会无产阶级和劳动人民高度的道德坚定性的源泉”(金炳华,2003:672)。




1. 在许多问题上,伯恩施坦和考茨基的观点是相同的,他们的分歧只是逐渐产生的,其论战是在进展中尖锐起来的。在公开自己的信仰宣言中,考茨基写到:一旦放弃唯物史观和无产阶级是即将到来的社会革命的动力的观念,我就不得不承认我完蛋了,我的生命就不再有任何意义。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:32-33

1. Bernstein and Kautsky shared many points in common, their separation was only gradual, and the controversy sharpened as it progressed. When pushed into a declaration of faith, Kautsky wrote: But if once the materialist conception of history and the conception of the proletariat as the motive force of the coming social revolution were abandoned, then I would have to admit that I was through, that my life no longer had any meaning. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 38.

2. 坚定理想信念,坚守共产党人精神追求,始终是共产党人安身立命的根本。对马克思主义的信仰,对社会主义和共产主义的信念,是共产党人的政治灵魂,是共产党人经受住任何考验的精神支柱。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:15

2. It has always been the foundation for the lifeline and pursuit of all Communists to have full confidence in ideals and firm faith in communism. Belief in Marxism and faith in socialism and communism are the political soul of Communists, enabling them to withstand all tests. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 16.

3. 我们讲要坚定道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,要有坚如磐石的精神和信仰力量,也要有支撑这种精神和信仰的强大物质力量。这就要靠通过不断改革创新,使中国特色社会主义在解放和发展社会生产力、解放和增强社会活力、促进入的全面发展上比资本主义制度更有效率, 更能激发全体人民的积极性、主动性、创造性,更能为社会发展提供有利条件,更能在竞争中赢得比较优势,把中国特色社会主义制度的优越性充分体现出来。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:93

3. We stress the need to have confidence in our path, in our theories and in our system. In other words, we need to have strong will power and faith. At the same time, we also need a strong material power that bolsters such will power and faith. Thus requires constant reforms and innovations to ensure that Chinese socialism is more efficient than capitalism in releasing and developing the productive forces, stimulating and strengthening the vigor of society and promoting a well-rounded development of the person, and the arousing of greater enthusiasm, initiative and creativity among the people, create more favorable conditions for social development, and show a better edge in competition, thus fully displaying its advantages. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 104.


例句 1:
Based on the cultural philosophy of psychology, theories of philosophy, psychology, communication science, culture science, follow the principle of people-oriented, with college students as the starting point, to the all-round development of college students as the starting point and purpose,combined with the characteristics and the needs of social development, research on fusion method of multiple disciplines using the theory and method of thinking, ideological and political education of college students, to analyze and discuss Marx's belief in theoretical and practical issues, to explore new mode of college students Marx doctrine of faith education, enhancing the effectiveness of faith education.

例句 2:
The article is about Belief which focuses on the modern Chinese belief crisis, takes the rational focus on the Chinese Marxism belief as the way of thinking and discussing, focuse





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