字词 | 中伊关系 |
释义 | 中伊关系【英】China-Iran Relations译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-01/21/c_135032843.htm 例句1. 我将应鲁哈尼总统邀请对伊朗进行国事访问,就新形势下深化中伊关系及重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见,共同推动中伊关系迈上新台阶。--《习近平:共创中伊关系美好明天》 1. As I am about to embark on my state visit to Iran at the invitation of President Rouhani, I am looking forward to in-depth exchange of views on deepening China-Iran relations in the new era as well as on major international and regional issues and working together with my Iranian hosts to bring the relationship to a new stage.—Quoted from Work Together for a Bright Future of China-Iran Relations |
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