字词 | 不能腐的防范机制 |
释义 | 不能腐的防范机制【英】a mechanism thatdeters corruption译文来源中国关键词(第一辑):英文/中国外文出版发行事业局、中国翻译研究院著;韩清月、徐明强、蔡力坚译.--北京:新世界出版社,2016:45 例句1. 把权力关进制度的笼子里,就是要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制、不能腐的防范机制、不易腐的保障机制。——《中国关键词》(第一辑) ,2016:44 1. The move to confine the exercise of powerwithin an institutional cage is meant to strengthenoversight of the work of the government and deterpossible misuse of power by government officials.It entails establishing a mechanism that prevents,deters and punishes corruption.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA, 2016: 45 |
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