

字词 简政放权


streamlining government and delegatingauthorities




1. 中国本届政府把加快转变职能、简政放权作为开门第一件大事。——《中国关键词》(第一辑) ,2016:84

1. The current Chinese administration has made it a top priority to accelerate the process of transforming government functions, streamlining government and delegating authorities.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA (Vol.1), 2016:85

2. “简政”,即解决机构职能交叉、政出多门、人浮于事、相互掣肘的现象,解决社会公共产品和服务提供不足、行政效率低下的问题。“放权”,则是解决对经济活动审批过多、审批程序复杂、审批周期长效率低的问题,解决政府管了一些不该管的事情、一些该管的事情却没管好的问题。——《中国关键词》(第一辑) ,2016:84

2. Streamlining government aims at eliminating overstaffing and consolidating duplicate or overlapping – and often mutually interferinggovernment functions, so as to better address suchproblems as the inadequate provision of social public goods and services and the poor efficiency of the work of the government. Delegating authorities is intended to cut red tape that subjects an unnecessarily extensive array of business activities to a complex and lengthy government approval process. Such a move should free the government from unwarranted reach into areas it better stays away from to focus on what really falls within its purview, especially duties it is supposed to perform but has not performed adequately.—Quoted from KEYWORDS TO UNDERSTAND CHINA (Vol.1), 2016:85





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