字词 | 振兴民族经济 |
释义 | 振兴民族经济【英】revive national economy译文来源http://www.cctv.com/english/special/01/20091108/102683.shtml 例句1. 早在上世纪五六十年代,中非就在反帝、反殖、反霸的历史浪潮中并肩战斗,在振兴民族经济的艰辛历程中携手同行。——《温家宝在中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议开幕式上的讲话》 1. As early as in the 1950s and ‘60s, China and Africa fought shoulder to shoulder in the historic struggle against imperialism, colonialism and hegemony and worked side by side in the hard endeavor to revive our respective national economies.—Quoted from Wen Jiabao Speech at the opening ceremony of the Fourth ministerial conference of the Forum on china-Africa cooperation |
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