字词 | 战略石油储备 |
释义 | 战略石油储备【】strategic petroleum reserves译文来源https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2013/12/05/joint-fact-sheet-strengthening-us-china-economic-relations 例句1. 中美双方将通过政策、管理、技术等方面的信息交流和中美双方战略石油储备主管部门的年度技术会议,就战略石油储备开展合作。——《关于加强中美经济关系的联合情况说明》 1. The United States and China are to cooperate on strategic petroleum reserves, through information exchanges on policies, management, and technologies and through annual technical meetings of U.S. and China strategic petroleum reserve authorities.—Quoted from Joint Fact Sheet on Strengthening U.S.-China Economic Relations |
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