字词 | 妇女地位委员会 |
释义 | 妇女地位委员会【英】the Commission on the Status of Women译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/special/2015-11/28/c_134864542.htm 例句1. 从200多年前世界第一份妇女权利宣言诞生,到“三八”国际劳动妇女节的设立,到联合国成立妇女地位委员会,到通过《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,妇女事业发展的每一步都推动了人类文明进步。——《促进妇女全面发展共建共享美好世界——习近平在全球妇女峰会上的讲话》 1. From the publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman over 200 years ago to the observance of International Women's Day on 8 March, from the establishment of the Commission on the Status of Women to the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, every step taken to promote women's cause has been a giant step forward for the progress of human civilization.—Quoted from Promoting Women's All-round Development and Building a Better World for All—Remarks at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality And Women's Empowerment |
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