

字词 团体章程


charters of organizations




1. “立善法于天下,则天下治;立善法于一国,则一国治。”要坚持立法先行,坚持立改废释并举,加快完善法律、行政法规、地方性法规体系,完善包括市民公约、乡规民约、行业规章、团体章程在内的社会规范体系,为全面推进依法治国提供基本遵循。——《加快建设社会主义法治国家——习近平在党的十八届四中全会第二次全体会议上的讲话(节选)》

1. The Song Dynasty statesman Wang Anshi once wrote, “When the law of the land is good, there will be order in the land; when the laws of the state are good, there will be order in the state.” Following this spirit, we need to ensure that legislation precedes reform; maintain a systematic approach to the establishment, revision, abolition, and interpretation of laws; work faster to improve laws, administrative regulations, and local regulations; and further refine a framework of social norms that comprises resident codes of conduct, industry rules and regulations, and charters of organizations. This will enable us to lay down the basic foundation for advancing the rule of law.—Quoted from Accelerating the Establishment of Socialist Rule of Law in China —Speech at Session I,II of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee on October 23, 2017





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