字词 | 共商合作、共议创新 |
释义 | 共商合作、共议创新【英】to promote cooperation and innovation译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2017-01/13/c_135980660.htm 例句1. 我期待着在瑞士同各方人士共商合作、共议创新,推动中瑞关系、中欧关系、中国同联合国的关系、中国同奥林匹克运动的关系在新的一年迎来更好发展。--《习近平在瑞士媒体发表署名文章》 1. In short, I look forward to my upcoming trip to Switzerland, where I will meet people from different walks of life to promote cooperation and innovation. Hopefully, the trip will give a strong impetus to China' s relations with Switzerland, Europe, the UN and the Olympic Movement in the year ahead.--Quoted from Full Text of Chinese President's Signed Article in Swiss Newspaper |
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