字词 | 隐逸诗 |
释义 | yǐnyìshī 隐逸诗Recluse Poetry 指归隐山林、田园的文人,以山林、田园生活为创作题材并寄寓个人志趣情怀的诗歌。古代有些文人,因不屑于做官或对当时的社会政治不满,转而归隐山林、田园,成为隐士。他们常常借描摹山水、田园等自然景物来表达高蹈遗世的精神旨趣。其中,陶渊明被称为“古今隐逸诗人之宗”。唐宋以后,很多文人士大夫从陶渊明的生活方式中受到启发,在山林、田园生活中寻求心灵安顿,于是产生了有隐逸倾向的诗歌作品。 Recluse poetry refers to poems written by literary figures who retreated to the remote mountains or countryside and expressed their sentiments through depicting this kind of life. Some Chinese scholars in the old days, having disdain for taking official position or were dissatisfied with political reality of the day, chose to live in seclusion in mountains and forests or in the countryside. They expressed their pursuit of a state of mind that transcended the worldly through depicting images of mountains, rivers, and other natural scenes. Tao Yuanming is regarded as the forerunner of this genre. Inspired by his recluse lifestyle, many learned men in the post-Tang and Song period also sought solace and peace of mind in the mountains and countryside, thus giving rise to recluse poetry. 引例 Citation: ◎其源出于应璩(qú),又协左思风力。文体省净,殆无长语。笃意真古,辞兴婉惬。每观其文,想其人德……古今隐逸诗人之宗也。(钟嵘《诗品》) ([陶渊明的诗]源于应璩,又兼有左思的风骨。陶诗简洁纯净,似乎没有什么突出的名句。诗人致力于传达真淳古朴的观念,文词用兴寄手法而委婉恰切。每每读到他的诗文,都会想起他的形貌和品德……真是古今隐逸诗人中的第一人啊!) While inspired by Ying Qu's work, Tao Yuanming's poems also inherited Zuo Si's powerful expression. His style is simple and lucid, though his poems seem to lack outstanding lines. He devoted himself to expressing simple and unsophisticated ideas by means of analogy in mild, appropriate language. When we read his works, we see in them a man with noble character... He was truly the most distinguished of the recluse poets ever produced! (Zhong Rong: The Critique of Poetry) |
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