字词 | 正义 |
释义 | zhèngyì 正义Justice 古义主要有二:一谓正确或本来的含义,即对古代典籍的正确解释,常用于书名,如《五经正义》;一谓公理、正理,即公认的正当的原则和道理。近代以后,学界用该词第二义项为理据,翻译西方的justice。时至今日,“正义”成为构建美好社会的核心价值之一。 In ancient days, this term had two meanings. One, it referred to correctness or orthodoxy, specifically in the interpretation of ancient classics. The term was often used as part of a book title, such as Correct Interpretation of the Five Classics. Two, it referred to principles of justice that were universally accepted and righteous. In modern times, the second meaning has prevailed. Today, it has become one of the core values of the Chinese society. 引例 Citation: ◎正利而为谓之事,正义而为谓之行。(《荀子·正名》) (符合利益就去做,这叫做事业;符合道义就去做,这叫做德行。) Acting on consideration of your legitimate benefit is called business. Acting on consideration of justice is called virtue. (Xunzi) |
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