字词 | 言尽意 |
释义 | yánjìnyì 言尽意Words Can Fully Express Thought. 言语能够表达对世界的根本认识。言语与思想的关系是魏晋时人讨论的一个重要议题。欧阳建不满于荀粲、王弼等人的“言不尽意”的看法,提出了“言尽意”的主张。在他看来,“意”(思想)是对事物及其道理的认识。而名号、言语则是对“物”(事物)、“理”(事理)的反映,由“物”、“理”而定。“意”的获得与表达是通过名号、言语的辨析而实现的。“意”与“言”是一致的,不能割裂。因此,“意”可以全面、透彻地表达思想认识。 Words can fully express the fundamental understanding of the universe. The relationship between language and thought was a prominent topic of debate in the Wei and Jin dynasties. Ouyang Jian did not accept the view of Xun Can and Wang Bi, who alleged that "words cannot fully express thought." Instead, he put forward the notion that "words can fully express thought." In his opinion, thought represents perceptions of objects and reason, while names and words are reflections of them and are determined by things and reason. As a thought is acquired and expressed, it is analyzed and realized by names and words. Thoughts and their correspondent words are accord with each other and inseparable. Thus thought can be fully and exhaustively expressed. 引例 Citation: ◎名逐物而迁,言因理而变,此犹声发响应,形存影附,不得相与为二,苟其不二,则无不尽,吾故以为尽矣。(《艺文类聚》卷十九“言语”引欧阳建《尽意论》) (名号依循事物而变化,言语依据事理而改变,这就如同声音发出就有回声响应,形体存在就有影子附着,不能析为两个东西,如果二者不分离,则名号、言语没有不能表达的事物和事理,我因此认为言语完全能够表达自己的思想。) Names change when the objects they refer to change. Language changes on the basis of reason. That is like the echo responding to a sound or a shadow following a shape. They are not to be considered as separate things. If they are not separate things, then there is nothing that cannot be fully expressed. Therefore, I believe language can fully express thought. (Ouyang Jian: On Fully Expressing Ideas) |
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