字词 | 慎终追远 |
释义 | shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎn 慎终追远Mourn the Deceased and Memorialize Those Long Gone 慎重地对待丧事、追念逝去的先人。曾子主张以“慎终追远”的态度对待逝者。随着逝者的远去,人们容易逐渐淡忘其存在及其对自己的关爱与影响。“慎终”即要求人们慎重地遵行丧礼的仪节,表达对逝者的真挚哀悼。“追远”则要求人们依礼祭祀逝者,以缅怀其恩情及其德行、功业。曾子认为,“慎终追远”的做法有助于敦厚人情。 This term means to hold obsequies in a proper way and cherish the memory of those long deceased. This is what Zengzi believed one should do toward the deceased. As someone passed away, with the passage of time, people close to him would forget the care and love shown to them by the deceased. So people should follow due procedures at a funeral to express their grief over the deceased and memorialize the altruism, virtue and achievement of the dead even long after his death. Zengzi believed this would increase care and love among the people. 引例 Citation: ◎曾子曰:“慎终追远,民德归厚矣。”(《论语·学而》) (曾子说:“慎重地对待丧事、追念逝去的先人,百姓就会归于敦厚真诚了。”) Zengzi said, "When holding obsequies in a proper way and deeply remembering those who have long gone, people will become honest and sincere." (The Analects) |
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