字词 | 有教无类 |
释义 | yǒujiào-wúlèi 有教无类Education for All Without Discrimination 任何人都可以或必须接受教化;而人接受了教化,也就没有了因贵贱、贫富等而产生的差异。(一说:在教学时对学生一视同仁,不会按地位、贫富等将学生分成差等。)“教”指礼乐教化,即“人文”;“类”即种类,指贵贱、贫富、智愚、善恶、地域、种族等差别、区分。“有教无类”所昭示的是一种超越等级、地域、种族等差别的普及教育思想,更是一种主张平等待人、反对种种歧视的“人文”精神。 Education can and must be provided for all. It eliminates the differences in social status and wealth. (Another explanation is that education should be provided to students without discrimination on the basis of social status or wealth.) Education consists of teaching of social norms, music, and moral principles. A non-discriminatory approach to education means making no distinction between students based on their social status, wealth, mental capability, moral character, geographic location, or ethnicity. Transcending differences in social status, geography, and ethnicity, education for all without discrimination is a humanistic ideal that champions equal treatment of all people and rejects all forms of discrimination. 引例 Citation: ◎圣人之道无不通,故曰“有教无类”。彼创残之余,以穷归我。我援护之,收处内地,将教以礼法,职以耕农……何患之恤?(《新唐书·突厥传上》) (圣人的道德教化无处不相通,所以说“只要接受了统一的教化,就不会再有因地域、种族产生的差异”。他们突厥人遭受战争创伤,因处困境而归顺于大唐。我们帮助、保护他们,把他们迁入内地定居,教他们礼仪法度,使他们以耕田务农为业……有什么可忧虑的呢?) The moral values promoted by ancient sages are universal. That is why "once the same education is provided, differences in geography and ethnicity would be smoothed out." When the Tujue people who suffered from war trauma and were in predicament submitted themselves to the Tang Dynasty, we should assist and protect them, let them settle down among us, teach them social norms and law, and help them engage in farming … What should we be worried about? (The New Tang History) |
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