字词 | 乐 |
释义 | yuè 乐Yue (Music) 古代六艺之一,常与“礼”并称。相较于各种外在的礼法规范,音乐最能感动人的内心并对人的言行产生影响。但并不是所有的音乐都属于儒家所说的“乐”的范畴。“乐”应能有助于人的性情处于平和中正的状态,使人的言行自觉符合礼的要求,从而实现人与人之间的和谐共处。“乐”常与其他礼仪形式配合运用,是维系人伦秩序、移风易俗的重要手段。 Yue (乐) is one of the six arts of ancient times, often mentioned together with li (礼 rites / social norms). In contrast to external rules and rites, music touches the emotions and thus can affect human behavior. However, not all music counts as the Confucian yue which must have the effect of making the listener calm and measured so as to willingly behave in accordance with social norms, and thus engage harmoniously with others. Yue is often associated with other forms of ceremonial actions; it is one important way of maintaining proper human relations and encouraging better social practices and customs. 引例 Citations: ◎乐也者,和之不可变者也;礼也者,理之不可易者也。乐合同,礼别异。礼乐之统,管乎人心矣。(《荀子·乐论》) (没有一种东西能替代乐来促成社会的和谐,也没有一种东西能替代礼来分别社会的伦理差等。乐使人们相互和谐,礼使人们有分别差等。礼和乐一起管控人心的各个方面。) Nothing can replace music for creating social harmony, and nothing can replace rites for determining ethical social differences. Music brings people together in harmony; rites establish roles and relationships. Together they direct human morality. (Xunzi) ◎子曰:“恶紫之夺朱也,恶郑声之乱雅乐也,恶利口之覆邦家者。”(《论语·阳货》) (孔子说:“我厌恶用紫色取代红色,厌恶用郑国的音乐扰乱雅正的音乐,憎恶伶牙俐齿而使国家倾覆的人。”) Confucius said, "I detest replacing red with purple and disturbing refined classical music with the music of the State of Zheng. I loathe those who overthrow the state with their glib tongues." (The Analects) |
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