字词 | 与时消息 |
释义 | yǔshí-xiāoxī 与时消息Things Grow or Wither with Time. 事物随着时间的推移而兴衰消长,亦指随着时势而进退。“时”即时间,也指事物随时间之流而呈现的基本趋势和态势;“消”即消减、衰亡;“息”即滋长、兴盛。中国古人认识到,世界是时间性的,是过程,一切事物都是变动不居的,人必须顺应时势而作为。犹言遵循“天道”“与时偕行”。 Things grow or wither as time goes by, or advance or retrogress as circumstances change. Ancient Chinese believed that the world evolved with time, nothing remained unchanged and that people should act in keeping with the circumstances. They stressed that people should observe the Heavenly Way and keep pace with time. 引例 Citation: ◎日中则昃,月盈则食,天地盈虚,与时消息,而况于人乎,况于鬼神乎?(《周易·彖下》) (太阳过正午便开始倾斜,月亮盈满便开始亏虚,天地万物有盈满有亏虚,都随着时间的推移而兴衰消长,何况是人呢?何况是鬼神呢?) When the sun reaches midday, it begins to set, and when the moon is full, it begins to wane. Heaven and earth reach fullness and emptiness and wax and wane as time passes. This also applies to humans. So do spirits and gods! (The Book of Changes) |
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